Surrender and Silence

Yesterday was the 9th anniversary of when I first completely surrendered my life to the Divine. I’m saying when I first, because it’s a daily, hourly, and minute by minute practice.
I thought I’d have a lot to say about this, but I’m finding I don’t.
It’s reminding me how much I love to sit in silent transmission and let go of whatever utility the words might appear to have, in favor of dropping deeper into the direct experience. I used to save these types of experiences for the more “advanced” groups, but that’s changed in the last couple of months. Each week in our virtual community circle on YouTube, I let go of the words and drop into silence.
It’s a relief each week when this happens, for all the enthusiasm I have for exploring your questions and connecting and saying hello is eclipsed many times over by the experiences joy, wonder, and awe which can only unfold in silence.
May the silence open within you an even more profound experience of the Divine within. And may whatever is up for you to let go of today be released completely, that you may be immersed in the grace and flow that is available only once control is ceded to the Divine.
That’s it for this week . . . From My Heart.
Always in God’s Love and Presence,
PS – I invite you to participate in a live virtual community circle later today (Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 5p Eastern – US) on YouTube. We’ll meditate, explore with words, and most importantly, sink into silent transmission together. Here’s the link (same link for the replay):
If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my YouTube channel (it’s free) by clicking this link.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your spiritual work, I invite you to participate in the Deep Dive virtual retreat series. This circle meets you where you while supporting massive spiritual growth. More information: