Make a Donation and Support Ken’s Spiritual Mission in the World
Before you donate, I’d like to share a few important details:
Although I have started setting up an educational foundation (The Embodied Messenger Foundation), the process necessary for securing non-profit status from the IRS has not yet begun. As a result, your donation is *not* tax deductible.
Your donation will be graciously received by my company (Beneath the Sand, Inc.) and utilized as part of general funds to support my divine mission as I currently understand it. If you’d like to direct your donation to a particular aspect of the mission, please email me, and share your wishes.
If for whatever reason you prefer not to utilize PayPal for your donation, please email me, letting me know whether you’d like to make a one-time or recurring donation, the amount, and your preferred method for making your donation, and I will do my best to set it up for you.
Most importantly, thank you for considering making a financial donation in support of my work.