Discover the Mind-Blowing Experience of Spiritual Healing Now
Spiritual Healing Has Three Primary Applications:
The Physical Body, and the Inner and Outer Life
Spiritual healing is an energetic or spiritual approach to restoring the body, as well as all aspects of one’s inner and outer life to complete resonance and alignment with it’s true divine nature and expression.
The premise of spiritual healing is that the spiritual is foundational, and from this everything else flows, comes into form and expresses. This flow moves from deep inside, where we first encounter and experience the Divine out into all aspects of the body, as well as the inner and outer life.
Some approaches to spiritual healing don’t perceive the source of the healing as the Divine Presence within, instead focusing on directing energy or focusing on solving problems at the level of the body, and the inner or the outer life. These approaches ultimately exacerbate the source of the problem needing to be healed, because ultimately the source of all our suffering and pain as human beings is the illusion of separation.
In the fall of 2007 I was told by a fellow participant on a meditation retreat: “you should be working as a healer” and that I had “done this many prior lifetimes” and “would learn it was more natural than breathing.” None of these proclamations made sense to me, even though I started sobbing uncontrollably when I heard them. I was making my living as a mortgage lender at the time, with no interest in being a healer.
I resisted God’s call on my life for a number of years, secretly exploring the Divine expression through me, afraid I was a fraud while also terrified that I wasn’t. I ultimately set aside the life I had planned for myself and stepped into the mystery of God’s expression.
My approach to spiritual healing is unique for a number of different reasons. When I work with a client, whether in group or individual session, in a live or pre-recorded class, podcast, or in a YouTube video, I am simply sharing God’s expression as me. Also, I have not trained or certified in a spiritual healing modality or with another spiritual healer, nor have a studied in any spiritual tradition, or learned from a living spiritual master.
One way to describe a session with me is a raw, direct experience of the Divine within — something many have called “the deepest spiritual experience of my life.” Spiritual healing is one of the byproducts of this raw internal encounter with the Divine.
People looking for a spiritual healing often ask: “Will [the thing they want healed] be fixed if I do some spiritual healing work with you?” It’s an important question, but one that is very difficult to answer. The reason: What needs to happen, not necessarily what you or I want to happen, is what takes place in a spiritual healing session.
Because the way God works through me is so radically different than what many have ever before experienced, and because it’s difficult to understand this without experiencing it, I offer both introductory classes and experiences for free, as well as paid programs, for those who wish to dive into spiritual healing more completely. Some of the ways you can experience my spiritual healing work are outlined below in the third section of each focus area (under the heading ‘Spiritual Healing programs I offer’) below.
Spiritual Healing Focused on The Physical Body:
- Recovering from disease, reducing physical pain, and restoring the body to complete health are a few example of how spiritual healing can be focused on the physical body.
While some healers prefer to take an exclusively energetic or spiritual approach to this type of work, I encourage my clients and students who are open to it, to include traditional eastern and western medical approaches, including a medical doctor. In my experience, deep spiritual work designed to support spiritual healing does not reduce the effectiveness of these approaches, nor are traditional approaches to healing and physical wellness limiting to the type of spiritual healing work that I facilitate.
A holistic approach to healing ensures that the most effective approaches from each perspective can be utilized, in support of a return to complete health. - Taking a spiritual healing approach to the physical body can require a significant shift in perspective.
Whereas many think of the body as the source of the pain, disease, or other physical challenges, I see these as an effect, rather than the cause—an outward easily recognized signpost pointing towards other things which aren’t so easily recognized.
Spiritual healing isn’t about solving a problem; it’s about uncovering and experiencing the wholeness that is your body’s true divine nature. - All spiritual healing in the body begins with Soul Embodiment. Join me for the Embodied Soul Experience (virtual event) and accelerate your physical spiritual healing journey.
- Recovering from disease, reducing physical pain, and restoring the body to complete health are a few example of how spiritual healing can be focused on the physical body.
Spiritual Healing Focused on the Interior Life:
- Unresolved Trauma and Wounds, Emotional Turmoil, Depression, Anxiety, the Interior aspects of Relationships, and so much more are examples of how spiritual healing can be focused on the interior world.
While some healers prefer to take an exclusively energetic or spiritual approach to this type of work, I encourage my clients and students who are open to it, to include traditional eastern and western medical approaches, including a medical doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist and other specialists. In my experience, deep spiritual work designed to support spiritual healing does not reduce the effectiveness of these approaches,
nor are traditional approaches to healing the interior aspects of life limiting to the type of spiritual healing work that I facilitate.
A holistic approach to healing ensures that the most effective approaches from each perspective can be utilized, in support of a return to complete interior health. - As with the physical body, the interior aspect of life may require a shift in approach. Whereas many think of the body or mind as the source of dissonance on the interior of life, I see the dissonance as an effect, rather than the cause.
Spiritual healing focused on the interior of your life isn’t about solving a problem or changing your beliefs, or clearing blocks; it’s about uncovering and experiencing the wholeness that permeates every interior aspect of life; the undistorted expression of your true divine nature. - Spiritual healing which unfolds in interior begins with Soul Embodiment. Join me for the Embodied Soul Experience (virtual event) and accelerate your physical spiritual healing journey.
- Unresolved Trauma and Wounds, Emotional Turmoil, Depression, Anxiety, the Interior aspects of Relationships, and so much more are examples of how spiritual healing can be focused on the interior world.
Spiritual Healing Focused on the Outer Life:
- Romantic Relationships, Friends, Family, Career, Calling, Money, the Material and Experiential Aspects of Life, and so much more, are examples of how spiritual healing can be focused on the exterior world.
Often the exterior aspects of life are attended to through greater efforts, plans, visualizations, intentions, mantras, and in many other ways that are about realizing your vision for your life.
While these approaches can be very powerful, the deepest experiences of divine resonance – the direct result of spiritual healing in the exterior of life – are not created,
but opened to through a profound interior process, the living experience of the ancient wisdom As Above, So Below. This spiritual healing focus offers a pathway for profound integration, which eventually opens something beyond your ability to imagine in both the interior, and exterior aspects of life. - As with the physical body, the interior aspect of life may require a shift in approach. Whereas many think of the body or mind as the source of dissonance on the interior of life, I see the dissonance as an effect, rather than the cause.
Spiritual healing focused on the interior of your life isn’t about solving a problem or changing your beliefs, or clearing blocks; it’s about uncovering and experiencing the wholeness that permeates every interior aspect of life; the undistorted expression of your true divine nature. - Spiritual healing in the outer aspects of one’s life begins with Soul Embodiment. Join me for the Embodied Soul Experience (virtual event) and accelerate your physical spiritual healing journey.
- Romantic Relationships, Friends, Family, Career, Calling, Money, the Material and Experiential Aspects of Life, and so much more, are examples of how spiritual healing can be focused on the exterior world.
I’m energized by this opportunity to explore spiritual healing with you in whatever way most resonates with you, so you can experience every aspect of your divine potential.