Experience, Embody, and Integrate the Mystery of Divine Presence with Ken W. Stone – Spiritual Messenger, Author, and Healer

Dear Divine Expression,

My name is Ken W. Stone—I’m known as “The Soul Archaeologist” because I help people uncover, experience, embody, and integrate the buried treasure of Divine Presence, that is within each and every human being without exception.

Ken W Stone; spiritual teacher, author, and spiritual healer

  • My focus is on supporting groups in two key areas of spiritual development:

    • First: Experiencing the Divine within (spiritual mastery). This includes not only the initial mystical encounter, but also embodying and integrating all of its natural by-products including spiritual healing. Eventually the mystical isn’t an encounter, but an inner and outer dimension of life that is being consistently experienced and lived.
    • Second: Discovering the unique manner in which the Divine expresses in and through you (spiritual messenger mastery)“your” unique spiritual gifts, message, and purpose. Fully embodied and integrated, you are an embodied messenger, one who shares God’s expression as you merely by your presence.
  • I also work with elite athletes, spiritual messengers, and high performing individuals and teams in experiencing the X-Factor of ultimate performance, success, and fulfillment — on the field of play and in every aspect of life.

  • There are three primary ways to engage with me in this work:

  • I’ve also begun a new collaboration with Transpersonal Psychotherapist, and Shamanic and Qigong Practitioner Scott Tate called the Second Monday Circle. This virtual meditative healing transmission session is for individuals who are focused on engaging with the next level of their healing and spiritual work.

I’m energized by this opportunity to explore spirituality with you in whatever way most powerfully supports you, so you can experience every aspect of your divine potential. Thanks for visiting!



Praise for Ken

I had an incredible one-on-one session with Ken. Ken showed me exactly where I was losing ’embodiment’ with my soul and EXACTLY how I can connect back to full soul connection.

I felt a SHIFT instantly and immediately I came back into center and felt a peace of mind and joy that astounded me! I recommend him to anyone who really feels like ‘something’ is off but with all the spiritual practice still feels like things are not working. He really shifted my awareness in a way that I never realized was possible!

Darius M. Barazandeh - Founder, You Wealth Revolution

The changes in my life since I started this program are amazing. The word amazing somehow doesn’t cut it. This morning, a few days after I listened to the recording I had a massive release take place. I am in awe of this process. I understand now why staying in the body is so important to release all the human challenges that we have stored away in us, either physically, emotionally and or spiritually.

Jessica Sereno Rhode Island

Ken; You have so much incredible grace affecting the world the way you are currently doing! I listened again yesterday to some of the recordings and felt more at peace than I ever have while walking. I am opening up to the smiles I heard on the replay, FEELING deserving, which is foreign to me. I knew that when I found “my way” it would be awe inspiring but not to this magnitude!

Pam F.

THANK YOU SO VERY, VERY, MUCH INDEED KEN, for that divinely beautiful, moving and touching experience. You have a truly loving voice… trustworthy, responsible, understanding, compassionate… so richly layered and mature. I have a thing about voices. Yours resonates completely with me, as in, I could listen to you forever.

Sharon A.

I just finished the program, …and I can’t thank you enough for your time, your magnificence, and your gift. And I am so grateful to my friend for introducing me to you. I have learned so much in these sessions, as well as the videos I have received, and will continue to practice and fine-tune.


I LOVE these practices! I’ve always been critical of my body and focusing on what’s wrong with it instead of what’s right. But by the end of this course I was holding my body (energetically) with the same kind of love and affection that you feel when you’re holding a small baby. It felt so peaceful. And ever since then, my criticizing of my body has stopped. Another lifetime (or longer) problem wiped out by Foundations of Spiritual Mastery! The problems just keep falling away, one after the other.

Kathryn Griffith Texas

Everything about my life has changed. EVERYTHING!! How I will conduct business, how I’ll lead a workshop, how I can be in public. All the pieces of the puzzles that I’ve been working on for years came together during my session with Ken.

Jan Stringer Spiritual Messenger, Speaker and Author | PerfectCustomers.com

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