What’s Your Lesson? From My Heart #16

What’s Your Lesson? From My Heart #16




Ken W Stone

What’s your big lesson in your life?  Have you
figured it out?

Mine is self love.  My journey to self love has
opened every door in my life from my calling,
to inner peace and joy, to being authentic and
vulnerable in my communication with you.

Last Thursday I discovered a new level of self
love – unconditional self love – and in the
process a new perspective and experience
of my life, and the world at large.  This
extraordinary experience reinforced for me
the basic truth that “as within, so without.”

I believe these ancient words, first uttered
more than 2,300 years ago, are referring to
“without” as everything beyond your essential
relationship with yourself – with the Divine –
including the mind, the body, and all aspects
of the outer world.  The wisdom in this for me
is that when I see or experience something in
my “without” that is out of alignment, it is a
road sign to something out of alignment in my
“within.”  And with this insight comes the
solution:  bring my “within” back into alignment.

As my heart continues to open and expand, I
find myself reflecting on the question:  “how
can I be of service to you?”  Do you need a
hand becoming more aware of your lesson?
Would you like some help finding and
experiencing the place the place within
where the Divine flows without distortion so
you can step into your power and your purpose?
Do you need help bringing your “within” back
into alignment?  Would you like to explore and
learn about your gifts, so you share them with
others and experience the meaningful life you
know you were meant to live?

You have a light that when it shines free
of any obstruction or distortion, is breathtaking
not only to you, but all who see it.   When you
shine your light it is effortless.  Your light will
help others with challenges that for them seem
insurmountable, but for you, the solution is
more natural than breathing.  We are all waiting
for you, for only you can shine your light.

My light – my purpose – is to help you remember
and experience who you really are – spiritually,
intellectually, physically … viscerally.  To share
with you tools for your life so that you can take the
experience of yourself for who you really are into
every moment of your life, for the rest of your life.

Let’s connect live.  I’m offering free consultations
right now.  I’ve been blessed to connect with
some really amazing people all around the
world in recent weeks, and the time we’ve
spent together has been really wonderful.

I’d like to share some time with you too.

Email me, and we’ll make a plan to chat.
I’d like to know where you’re at in your
life and what you’re looking for next.  I
may be able to help you – and it could be as
simple as the time we spend together during
your free consultation.

Please let me know where you live when you
email.  It helps me schedule
our time to know what your local time is relative
to where I live (Colorado, US).

I’m looking forward to connecting further with
you, and I’m so grateful we’re connected in
this way.



PS – If you’re on Facebook you can
also connect with me here: