Self Care — From My Heart

Self Care — From My Heart




Ken W Stone

Have you been taking time for yourself lately?

Have you been taking care of yourself?


I’ve been thinking I’m completely on top of these two important aspects of self-love – yet throughout the past week, this theme has been coming up in private sessions.

And I’m remembering that all aspects of the mirror that I’m noticing are reflecting what’s going on in ME.


I know I’m taking time for myself when I consistently take time to listen to music (without trying to write) and when I take time to read. I really enjoy reading novels – lately it’s been spy novels.

When I think back on the last month, I haven’t been reading much, nor have I been just listening to music; though I have an AMAZING track on right now from a group called Shantala – it resonates deeply with me: Ganesha Invocation.

When I listen to this track I remember who I am. I feel more connected, and as it begins whatever is pent up comes up to be released. This morning it’s tears.

And memories of the retreat I facilitated last November and the 9 women who gathered with me to do some deep spiritual work and connect for an entire week. I started each morning with this track as I meditated while they were finishing breakfast.


When I woke up this morning I was reflecting about the themes of the last week so I could write this week’s From My Heart.

I kept feeling like I was skipping across the pond, rather than going in deep and being vulnerable.

I started saying to myself: vulnerability is the key to being authentic – to connecting to myself.

And much to my surprise out comes self-care. I didn’t even realize it was a theme!!


The more I’ve reflected on it, the more I’ve come to realize it’s a theme that’s been developing for some time.


I’ve been exploring the concept of “center of gravity” with my clients in private session for years.

The question that comes from this concept is: where is your focus? Where is your energy?

Are you focused inside – in touch with who you are? Or are you leaning towards another – or looking outside yourself as the primary method of feedback or validation?

If your center of gravity is inside you, and you’re speaking your truth and honoring it by taking action, you’re regularly engaged in self-care and taking time for yourself.


Another interesting question is to consider where (between your head and your feet) your center of gravity is – because that’s also an important indicator of how embodied you are at that moment.

Remembering that in the fully embodied state you can be present to others and yourself.

Sometimes the intuitive visual or sense of where you’re at North to South can be a powerful reminder of what to do next.

When I’m disembodied – no matter what other noise or dissonance may be showing up, I focus on embodying my soul first.

From there I can practice Beneath the Sand, or calling my power home, or surrender, or whatever is the area of greatest resistance … once I’ve brought my soul home.


I’m recommitting to getting in touch with bringing my center of gravity back inside – to my power center. I’m also recommitting to getting in touch with my truth and honoring it with my actions.


Join me?

That’s it for this week … From My Heart



Ken W. Stone
The Soul Archaeologist
Experience the Divine Within