Say Nothing — From My Heart

Say Nothing — From My Heart




Ken W Stone

Have you ever had so much to say, and at the same time, nothing to say?

In the outward experience of my life I hosted the Embodied Messenger Experience three weeks ago. A group of extraordinary spiritual messengers from around the world gathered here in Fort Collins, Colorado where I live. We shared three solid days of deep embodied resonance together with some lively conversation and wonderful connection. And of course we all deep some deep inner work throughout the 3 days – myself included!

Here’s the group picture we took on Sunday afternoon as we were wrapping up:

It was an amazing group and an amazing experience with so many insights, lessons, and awareness!!

In one week (March 27th – 29th) I’ll be in Atlanta, Georgia at Unity North for a Friday evening talk and introductory experience, a Saturday day-long workshop, and panel discussion on Sunday. If you’re in the Atlanta area (or will be that weekend) I’d love to meet you and share time with you for one or all of these events!

Looking forward I’ll be hosting the Soul Reunion Experience this fall – also in Colorado. This time we’ll be gathering in Estes Park between the 13th and the 17th of September – right in the peak of fall color in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. I’m so excited about this opportunity to support a group in coming to reunion with their own soul – as well as the reunion of souls that will result from all coming together from around the world in one place. Keep an eye out for the formal event announcement and an opportunity to get your ticket.

In the inward experience of my life I have been noticing waves of dissonance coming up for attention, transmutation, and integration. Leading up to the Embodied Messenger Experience everything that was up for me to attend to in conjunction with stepping up was front and center for attention. And since the event, a whole new deeper level of dissonance has been up for attention and integration ahead of being called to step up more fully into my purpose.

All these things bring with them many words. Things to celebrate, things to be challenged by – to overcome, or transmute, or attend to, or integrate, or this or that – so many words and so much to talk about.

At the same time, the inner peace is quiet. No words, nothing to say. Here in the resonance is … even more resonance.

It reminds me of snorkeling in the Caribbean – as you swim along, the reef appears below you. Fish of many sizes and colors swim into and out of view. And then you take a deep break and push lower over the coral swimming down into the reef. As you move away from the surface an entirely new world opens up. In some ways it looks similar to the view up at the surface, but quickly on closer inspection, new species of plant and fish are popping up all around you.

I’ve never gone SCUBA diving, but I suspect that experience is even more analogous to the exploration of inner resonance in this sense: as long as the oxygen lasts, you can keep exploring. You’re not limited to one breath as you are when you snorkel.

My invitation to myself, and to you this coming week is this. Take time to turn inward into the resonance. More than one breath worth – invest an hour or two – maybe even an hour or two a day.

The excitement in the outer expression and in the transmutation of dissonance can be powerful and it can also be a distraction from what lies within – that which is always bringing you back into balance, alignment, and resonance – and then pulling you in deeper.

Underneath all the noise is a deep peace and love – a silent place that is always expanding.

Say nothing this week and instead, open to the experience within for which there are no words.

That’s it for this week … From My Heart.


Ken W. Stone
The Soul Archaeologist
Experience the Divine Within