Divine Perfection? — From My Heart

Divine Perfection? — From My Heart




Ken W Stone

What does “Divine Perfection” mean to you?

Does it mean that everything that happens in your life is perfect? What does perfect mean, anyway?

Is it a way of explaining challenges that are difficult to understand?

Or a way of keeping your chin up when things are challenging?

What does it mean to be spiritual? Does being spiritual mean having a positive attitude all the time? Does it mean hiding what’s really going on, or how you really feel?

What does it mean to be a spiritual leader? Does it mean you don’t have any challenges, or that you’ve got everything figured out?

I remember an interview that I was giving a while back, and the host asked me what it was like to live every aspect of my life in Divine perfection. Her implication was that I was done having a human experience, and that I had transcended the limitations of ordinary life to move into a different plane of existence.

I giggled and told her that I am very much still on the path, right alongside everyone else. Learning, gaining awareness, practicing, experiencing my Divinity and the Divine in all sorts of extraordinary ways. And still very human. Nothing wrong with it – in fact, it is our human vessel that opens the door to the deepest spiritual experiences. Deeper even than what is available out of the body, or in the un- or pre-incarnated state.


Last Friday I hosted a Q&A call for a wonderful group of people – and the question of authenticity came up on the call. Specifically, one of the callers wondered about the strong feeling she had that she needed to “work through her stuff” before she could get out and begin sharing her gifts.

We could do a year-long class on this topic – it’s that powerful. The question really comes down to one of paradigm: What does it mean to be a leader?

For my part, I have always appreciated learning and connecting with people who are real – and that’s how I want to show up in the world as well. It can be challenging to be authentic and vulnerable. After all, isn’t it much more fun to pretend that we’re perfect? Or at least easier than telling the world that even while we’re sharing a God given gift, we’re still dancing with some challenge we really wish weren’t an issue?

On the flip side, isn’t it easier to set aside the facade? To stop projecting and spending energy pretending, and just be real?

Aren’t we moving into a new era in authentic spiritual leadership? An era where each perspective is valued, and we are all being invited to discover and completely share our gifts. In doing so in an authentic and vulnerable voice, we invite others to do the same. As we individually release the idea of our own perfection, we discover Divine perfection in the every day, rather than in the extraordinary. And somehow in this transformation, everything becomes extraordinary, no matter how mundane or disruptive.

Earlier in the week I was preparing for a trip to Santa Fe. I was headed there to share time with my good friend Jan Stringer (she wrote the book: Attracting Perfect Customers – you should check it out if you haven’t already read it), to do some important strategic planning and reflecting around my business – and to learn from her. The trip had been on the books for a while. We spoke on Monday and talked about our mutual interest in allowing whatever Divine plan to unfold throughout the week and our time together; to see the Divine perfection in everything – whatever would come as the week unfolded.

Tuesday I picked up a sandwich for lunch on my way into the office. After a morning full of wonderful conversation and sessions, I sat down to eat lunch before my group session for Sanctuary members at 1pm. After the session I had an afternoon of wrapping things up to get ready to drive on Wednesday planned.

My first bite into the sandwich resulted in a sharp pain in one of my teeth. I bit down on an olive pit and my tooth cracked. As I took the food from my mouth and headed for the bathroom to see if I could tell how bad it was, I started thinking about all the plans I had for the day and the week, and how important they all were.

I opened my mouth to look in the mirror and found that the inner part of my tooth could move, while the outer remained fixed. And the pain – wahoo, did it hurt!

My sweetheart just happened to be calling a moment later – and with her help I got in to see a dentist. He was so nice – his staff equally so. And while they could only glue the two halves of my tooth together, they were so helpful. Ditto with the next Doctor they sent me on to see – she told me because it was cracked below the bone that a root canal might not work as it typically would. More serendipity from my sweetheart and my next stop was a surgeon who completed his pre-operative consult and X-ray that evening, then fit me in yesterday morning for the tooth extraction and graft for an implant.

If you had asked me what I thought Divine perfection looked like on Monday or Tuesday morning, I would not have told you this story. And while I’m sure more awareness has yet to unfold, I am once again appreciating the value of surrender. And of all the wonderful people who were set right in front of me to help me.

Is there some bigger reason for all of this? I don’t know. Not knowing is the perfect point of letting go of control. If this is the extent of this experience, it is all perfect. If there’s more to come, it will be perfect too.

If you had asked me yesterday when my mouth was really hurting how perfect that was, I would have struggled to celebrate the pain. And last night, when all the drugs they used to support the surgery were working their way out of my system, I was not a pretty sight.

It’s good to be humbled. To be reminded we’re all on the same journey. Doesn’t matter how much or how little awareness we have, we’re all human beings. When we set everything else aside, what do we have? Our presence. And the most powerful way I know of to be fully present? Embodying the soul. That’s what I’ve been practicing.

What have you been practicing this week? I’d love to hear from you and whatever is coming up from this or any other aspect of your week or life.

It’s an honor to be connected with you in this way … walking the same path together.

That’s it for this week … From My Heart.



Ken W. Stone
The Soul Archaeologist
Experience the Divine Within