Transmuting through Writing

Transmuting through Writing




Ken W Stone

I’ve shared how important I think soul embodiment is, and how essential it is for both opening to a deeper experience of the Divine, as well as transmuting those aspects still held in separation, particularly the dissonance that keeps surfacing and demanding attention with increasing intensity.

For the most part, I’ve focused on teaching soul embodiment as an experiential process with a concurrent invitation to feel and express whatever is coming up, that it may be transmuted during the spiritual practice.

Writing can be aspirational, but it also offers a pathway for transmutation and deeper embodiment.


Have you ever received an email or read a social media post that really pushed your buttons? Perhaps you felt criticized, frustrated, or scared by what was being communicated, and your charged emotions took over as you responded.

When I get my buttons pushed, I can feel the physical effects of disembodiment flooding through at the same time my emotions are stirred up. Rather than responding publicly from a triggered perspective, I start writing a letter in my private journal to the person whose email or post stirred me up.

I let the first version of whatever is triggered come out without any editing or holding back. My goal is to allow the rawest version of my reactive expression. Some of the time as I write, I become more triggered, and other memories are animated. I don’t stay away from these expressions—I incorporate them, and let all the frustration, anger, sense of victimhood, desire to save, or whatever noise is coming up, be expressed.

Then, when I’m ready, I write letter for a second time (still in my private journal). Inevitably it’s a more integrated expression. I know I’m ready to write this version because the physical sensations of disembodiment are starting to fade, and the resonance is returning. Often if I’m ready to write this version immediately, I can actually feel the transmutation process being initiated and some aspects being embodied and integrated. As I’m writing these words and reflecting on the process, the crown of my head is buzzing, as are my hands and feet. It can be a very powerful process.

I keep rewriting until what’s coming out on the page feels completely embodied to me. What I mean by that is that there’s no noise when I read what I’ve written out loud, as I’m experiencing a sense of deep embodiment. Only then do I share what I’ve written, and then, only if I’m feeling guided to do so.

This process includes a focus on the most resonant words with each revision, which can be aided by all the visceral experiences I’m having as I’m reading. These points of feedback aren’t just language focused, they’re also a powerful form of feedback for sensing if I’m in a more embodied and aligned state with regard to my whole being and the Divine.

Do my feet stop buzzing? Are my hands buzzing the entire time? Is my mouth buzzing? These are just a few examples of the overall experience I might be having of resonance in my intuitive guidance system—my entire being—as I’m writing/reading/experiencing what I’ve written.

Often a deeper more intimate experience of my relationship with God opens up through the writing process, which in turn can lead to new awareness and perspective.


Does writing in this manner always lead to a more embodied state, while transmuting the dissonance in the process?

Though that’s been my experience, I don’t know.

On its own, a soul embodiment practice integrated into daily life is a meaningful pathway for deepening a sustaining experience of the Divine within, and all the resonance that naturally flows as a result.

When a daily soul embodiment practice is combined with this form of writing, a new resource is made available for processing the dissonance that gets stirred up in the course of everyday life. In the process, the integrated expression of your more fully embodied presence is liberated and the carrying wave of Divine expression through you is enlivened.

What follows draws you and all those you walk with and serve further into the mystery and miracle of absolute presence. 


Join me for a YouTube livestream later today (Wednesday October 14, 2020 at 6p Eastern – US) to explore this topic in greater depth (live and replay at the same link):

That’s all for this week . . . From My Heart.

We are always in God’s Love and Presence,


PS – If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my YouTube channel (it’s free) by clicking this link.

If you’re a spiritual messenger looking for community and way of doing the deep work necessary to fully honor your unique gifts, message and mission, check out the Deep Dive virtual retreat series. Our next retreat on October 22nd will be focused on The Messenger’s Trauma Cycle