How Do I Surrender? From My Heart #24

How Do I Surrender? From My Heart #24




Ken W Stone

Last week I shared with you how we’re all
in some sort of struggle with surrender.  It’s
a choice we get to make each moment of
each day:  Will I surrender?

I often hear the question: “How do I surrender?”
So I’ve put together a new website to answer
this question.  I’d love for you to check it
out and let me know what you think:

I answer this question over 4 videos.  You
don’t have to share your name and email
to see the content.  You can just watch the
videos (and share it with your friends if you

At the end there’s an invite to an introductory
experience with my community.  Three sessions
that a client recently commented to me “are
among the most powerful you’ve done, Ken.”

Check it out:

I’d love to hear what you think.  I’m grateful
we’re connected this way.



Ken Stone, the Soul Archaeologist

(written 8/31/2011)