Happy New Year — From My Heart

Happy New Year — From My Heart




Ken W Stone

Happy New Year

As you may know I’ve just wrapped up my biggest event of the year – the 4 Days of Healing. I had so much fun with everyone who participated – including the amazing Spiritual Messengers who so generously shared time with us during the holiday season!!

Between the Solstice for Your Soul session on the 21st, regular weekly group healing sessions (for The Sanctuary) on the 24th, and yesterday – along with 4 Days sessions between the 27th and the 30th PLUS the bonus interview yesterday; my family hasn’t seen as much of me this holiday season as they would like.

As much as I LOVE what I do for a living, I’m looking forward to time with them starting today – and for the balance of the week!!


Thank you for inviting me to walk with you on your spiritual journey. From the bottom of my heart and my soul, I am so grateful!


May the Divine Resonance that is waiting to more fully erupt into all aspects of your life continue to reveal itself to you in ways that surprise and delight you and leave you in awe and wonder.


May you continue to explore what it means to be an instrument of Divine love and peace in your life, your family, your community, and in the world.


And From My Heart to Yours, may you, your loved ones – and all other aspects of the ONE enjoy a very Happy New Year!!!



Ken Stone
The Soul Archaeologist
Experience the Divine Within