Raise Your Frequency in 3 Steps Downloads
Welcome to the First Set of Downloads!
I’m excited to share these resources with you in support of your focusing on raising your frequency and restoring your energy!
My goal with these resources is to provide you with the audios to the YouTube video as promised – so you can listen and experience the teaching and transmission on a deeper level. I’m also interested in supporting your further work in this regard – so I’m including additional resources so you can go even deeper. I’ll be following up in a couple of days with another session download (I’m sitting in this one – so I can be fully present with what is unfolding – which means you’ll likely experience something on an even deeper level). I have a strong sense that these additional resources are essential in order to make the most of the bonus session I’ll be sharing with you. And you might discover that these resources open a meaningful experience of resonance in your body or mind.
Don’t forget: You may well “drop out” – something many of my students and clients do both in group session, and in one-on-one session (it could happen in any of these sessions – or any of the subsequent sessions I’ll be sharing with you). You might think you’ve gone to sleep – but you haven’t. Your conscious mind has simply moved to a deeper level of work and isn’t able to stay consciously aware anymore. It happens all the time (if it doesn’t happen to you, you’ve done nothing wrong) and is very normal. Sometimes it happens while I’m talking, some of the time it happens in the silence. Always you’ll “come back” as the session is wrapping up – though it may seem like I started a sentence saying one thing and ended it saying something else. If you look at the computer or your phone (or however you’re listening or streaming the session, you’ll see time has passed even if you’re not aware of it). So please don’t operate a motor vehicle or heavy machinery of any sort while listening to any of these audio downloads!
Audio Downloads from the ‘Raise Your Frequency in 3 Steps’ YouTube Video
- The first segment is the teaching section (includes segments on piercing separation, soul embodiment, and excavating down and uncovering the divine treasure within) – and is available here. (right click on this link to ‘save as’ to your phone, tablet, or computer, or stream online)
- The second segment is the beginning of the transmission, and the healing transmission iteself, and is available to download here.
Divine Connecting Breath
- Many people have commented on how powerful the experience of the first resource, Divine Connecting breath is on its own. One of the things that’s so important about this guided experience from my perspective, is that I’m guiding you to a deeper experience of who you are within yourself – and whatever visceral sense of that experience might arise, it is you – and that’s clear because it’s a guided meditation. Note that the same sensations, perhaps even in more amplified ways, might open when we go into transmission together. And since you’ve had an experience of them on your own, you won’t be confused: you are feeling yourself and the Divine within (rather than me) when we’re working together at that deeper level. I am witnessing you, but I am not doing anything. The work is within you, between you and the Divine, by whatever name.
- DCB arrived in my awareness early in 2009 when I was working with a client in private session, who had advanced terminal cancer. On the day it revealed itself, he was talking about how much he loved his wife, his daughter, his dog, and nature, and how he would miss them. Before I could stop myself, I said: “I’m going to share something you can teach them and do together with them, no matter what else is going on” and Divine Connecting Breath came out of my mouth next.
- Divine Connecting Breath is how I begin each session. It’s a guided meditation that supports you in moving from the default state most of us live our lives from (in separation) – to a deeper experience of our connection with the Divine, and to everyone and everything.
- This first video is of me teaching it way back in 2010. Watch the Divine Connecting Breath video here.
The Enliven Session (from the most recent Resonance Experiment)
- In this video, I teach an abbreviated version of Divine Connecting Breath, along with a brief exploration of the stages of consciousness.
- Watch the Enliven Session here.
Finally, I want to share this wonderful interview I did with Dr. Bruce Lipton for fun (and insights too!).
- I got to interview a number of extraordinary spiritual messengers for the most recent Resonance Experiment – and more to come, for sure! This interview with Bruce was especially fun for many different reasons. I invite you to listen in and to enjoy his brilliance, enthusiasm, and another expression of resonance.
- Listen to my interview with Bruce Liption here.