Wounds – From My Heart

Wounds – From My Heart




Ken W Stone

One of the themes this year seems
to be ‘Play Full Out.’ So I’ve been
practicing this in my life. It’s been
wonderful, scary, expansive – and
much more – beyond words really.

It’s also been bringing up my wounds
to the surface for healing. This is
one of the themes that I’m seeing in
2012 with people all around the world.

Do you have wounds calling for your
attention right now?

It’s not the most pleasant experience
for me as I become aware of my
shadow stuff – my old wounds that
have surfaced over and over again
in my life.

I feel embarrassed – like I want to
sweep them under the rug and disown
them immediately. “That’s not me!”
I want to yell to anyone who will listen.

I’ve had stories about how these wounds
weren’t actually mine: They belonged
to the other – and arose from unique
circumstances. Not my creation, not
of me. Not needing my attention.

Blame, extricate, and move on – that’s
been my strategy in the past.

Yet here they are once again. No denying
that they’re mine this time. A gift from
the transformation we’re all going through
right now – and playing full out.

I’m able to see the patterns around
these wounds. How they’ve been
coming up for attention since
adolescence. Now to address
and integrate my wounds.

I’m always looking for the lesson. In
the past, I might have told myself my
wounds were there to stop me from
making mistakes again – from playing
full out where before I’ve been hurt.

I might have focused on refining my
approach to be more low key – to
modulate my energy and my light to
prevent waves from being made.
I would have seen the resistance and
my pain as a sign that I was wrong or
fundamentally flawed in some way.

I’m seeing it differently this time.

I’m grateful that I’ve been willing
to play full out in my life so I can
engage new muscles, have new
experiences – and yes, for the
opportunity to heal my wounds.

And even as I write this, I am aware
of all the ways I’m not yet fully playing
full out. I am inspired to a new level
of engagement. In relationships, in
my business, in my spiritual practice,
with my kids…in every area of my life.

I am inspired to embrace my wounds,
to see my beauty there as well – in my
very human experiences, in my stories
and my wounded beliefs. To see the hand
of the Divine inviting me to love my wounds
and then to integrate.

What a wonderful, frustrating, confusing,
and breathtaking experience to be on
the spiritual journey.

It’s an honor to be on the journey with you.

That’s it for this week…From My Heart.


Ken Stone
“The Soul Archaeologist”
Internationally Recognized Teacher and Healer