Wide Open – From My Heart

Wide Open – From My Heart




Ken W Stone

My heart is wide open as I write you this morning.

What a transforming day yesterday on so many levels.  The Solstice for Your Soul session was wonderful.  The theme of the year continues: A rebirth of consciousness within.  And as you know – as within so without.

Apparently I was so blissed (spell check wants to make this blessed – OK – makes sense to me!) out at the end of the session that the reference I gave during the session was the wrong site – LOL!  Perhaps this was the Divine’s way of telling me I needed to have the domain I mentioned in the session. I’ve purchased the domain I mentioned and directed to the correct location so you’re good to go however you find the download. 🙂

I have so much wonderful awareness of my own patterns and opportunities for growth this morning – and I’m looking forward to sharing them with you in the coming weeks.

Are you having new awareness of your own patterns today?

For now, I want to say thank you for the opportunity to travel with you on your spiritual journey with you.

That’s it for this week…From My Heart.


Ken Stone
“The Soul Archaeologist”
Internationally Recognized Teacher and Healer
Creator of the Transformational Beneath the Sand Process