Where Do You Shine? From My Heart #8

Where Do You Shine? From My Heart #8




Ken W Stone

Originally emailed 5.12.2011

Where do you shine?

It’s an interesting question. We’re taught to
know what our weaknesses are and where we
need to improve. But what about your strengths
and your gifts? Where in your life do you shine?

I was talking with an old client of mine last night.
We ran into each other at the library. He was there
with his daughters – I was there with Riley – my
youngest (Wednesday nights are date
night with my daughters). We got to talking about
what we’re each up to now (he was a client from
my days in financial services). I told him about
what I’m up to and he started telling me about
his gifts. I’ve known him for a long time. Our kids
go to school together. We chat breifly while dropping
our kids off at school together all the time. Yet
neither of us had mentioned our gifts. Isn’t that

Most people I talk with have known about their gifts
their entire life. They’ve just never really talked about
them. I am in awe of knowing about your gifts your
entire life. I learned about my gifts just over 3.5
years ago. I tried to deny them and ignore them for
nearly two years. In the end, I couldn’t do it.
I had to own them and share them. It’s what I’m here
to do. What are you here to do?

Please tell me about your gifts.

Email me and tell me very clearly – Ken – these are
my gifts. Make a long list. From my heart, please
tell me all about the amazing ways the Divine is
expressing itself through you.

I can’t wait to hear about YOUR gifts!!

I’m so grateful to be connected with you in this way!



PS – This is not a rhetorical question. Please email
(and post below)!