The First Step to Abundance – From My Heart

The First Step to Abundance – From My Heart




Ken W Stone

Where in your life are you hanging on to
your ideas about how things should be –
even though it’s *not* working right now?

What do you think would happen if you
let go completely?

How much more discomfort and suffering
are you willing to endure before you admit
you don’t have the answer, before you’re
willing to Throw Out The Map and
Surrender completely?

From My Heart: You can make the choice
to Surrender at any point and stop your
suffering. When you do, you will be
amazed by what begins to happen
immediately in your life. I can tell you
your life will immediately begin to unfold
naturally and that you will revel in a
masterpiece far beyond your
comprehension at this moment. But
that’s not the reason to surrender.

The reason to surrender is that you don’t
have the answer. God does. And the
only way God can work through you
and in your life is if you give up your
attempts to control (limit) what is
available to you in your life.

I’d love to hear from you. Let me
know what this brings up for you.

I’m grateful we’re connected in this way.



PS – Surrender is the first step to spiritual
abundance – which is the source of all
abundance (material, financial, health, etc.).

PPS – My friend Lorraine Cohen is interviewing
me next Thursday (November 3rd) about this
and the other two steps to spiritual and material
abundance. In addition to our conversation I’ll
be facilitating a process for everyone who
participates. You can sign up participate here (it’s

Ken Stone, The Soul Archaeologist