The Empath’s Challenge (and Gift)

The Empath’s Challenge (and Gift)




Ken W Stone

One of the most frequently asked questions I have received over the years relates to empaths – and how to navigate life more effectively.

A recent question from a member of our community put it this way:

“I wonder how you manage not to feel everything when you are not in transmission. Maybe you could talk about it sometime to teach us empaths, so we can get a break.”

I’d love to answer this question – and all of the other questions that have accumulated over the years around being an empath, how to navigate, not be influenced by other’s energy/emotions/noise, and so on – in my Livestream later today. It’s a big topic so we may need to break it down into a couple of different sessions over the coming weeks.

We’ll get started today and see where it leads us. Here’s the link to today’s class/meditation/transmission on YouTube (you’ll be able to watch the replay with this same link): (I’ll be live at 6p Eastern – US).

Here’s a quick preview of what we’ll explore together starting with today’s video: Empaths in their unintegrated state face a special set of challenges that can be particularly overwhelming and difficult to navigate. In my experience (personally – and in supporting empaths professionally) there are a fairly straight forward set of solutions that can be implemented that can quickly shift this unhappy dynamic. With some spiritual work, the challenges become profound gifts that can be deployed by choice, rather than expressing as an overwhelming burden.

I’m looking forward to sharing the solutions with you and supporting the integration process.


I have been working a radical departure from how I’ve offered the gifts God expresses through me in the past, which I’ll be sharing with you in the coming weeks. The more I integrate and implement this new approach (which came to me in a dream last month—the answer to a question I’ve been asking the Divine since early in 2019) the more clearly I’ve seen how my past approach has been distorted.

I’m giving voice to this today, because in the past I would have used something like the answer to this question many empaths wonder about, as a way of launching a paid program to address this common problem that empaths face. I suppose there’s nothing fundamentally distorted about taking that approach, but there has been for me. That’s not what’s happening now, and it’s not going to happen that way again. I’ll explain more soon.

For now I hope you will grant me grace for my learning curve as a spiritual messenger once again and join me as I move further into the mystery of God’s presence and expression.

It brings up emotion for me as I share this with you. Not from a place of shame or embarrassment, but from a place of deeper surrender, and witnessing how that profound peace always available, so easily finds foothold in every aspect of life, once control is ceded to the Divine.

The freedom we are all seeking is available here and now. I have been rediscovering this in a very deep level of late. I’m looking forward to sharing more and exploring this with you in the weeks to come.


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to walk with you.

That’s all for this week . . . From My Heart.



PS – If you haven’t already, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel for free by clicking this link.

Today’s (Wednesday 12/2/20 at 6p Eastern – US) Livestream will be available at this link (it’s also free):