Spinning Your Spiritual Wheels? From My Heart #6

Spinning Your Spiritual Wheels? From My Heart #6




Ken W Stone

Originally emailed on 4.24.2011

Are you spinning your spiritual wheels?

By this I mean, do you KNOW, but you’re just not
having the EXPERIENCE?

This has been a theme with the amazing people
I’ve been working with in private session over
the past week. I know I fall into the same trap:
I’m in my head on something – and I know
the right solution to a problem – or I know
where I want to go and (I think) I know how
to get there. But I’m not having an experience
of it.

If this is something you’re dealing with in your
life right now, from my heart, I’d love to hear
from you. Where are you spinning your spiritual
wheels – even though you know what the answer
is? Drop me an email (just hit reply to this email).
Please include your phone, time zone, and if
you’re outside N America, your Skype (if you’re
interested in chatting with me live). Tell me
where you’re spinning your wheels. I’d love
to hear from you!

I have some important housekeeping:

1) My 21-day F.REE video course is about to go
away. As you may know, this course is a detailed
outline of the process I facilitate with clients in
group and private sessions. This course includes
more than 4 hours of instruction over 21 days.
it’s the most comprehensive f.ree resource I’ve
ever provided before. And it’s going away tomorrow!

UPDATE: You can access this video course and all
supporting experiences in the Membership Community.

If you haven’t signed up for it – or you have, and
you’ve been wanting a friend or family member
to experience it, now is the time! I won’t take
it down before noon MDT (US). Don’t wait until the
last minute and risk missing out. Sign up now:

UPDATE: For the current bonus downloads, please
visit: My Highest Self

After tomorrow, the only place to see the complete
class will be in the membership community.

and that leads me to …

2) I’m offering $50 off the membership community
for as long as you’re an active member, when you enroll
before May 31st, 2011. If you’ve been thinking about
joining, this is the time! It will never again be priced
this low. There are so many resources inside the
community – and more being added all the time. At
last count, more than $2,000 worth of experiences,
support, and trainings. Don’t miss out on this
opportunity to be part of a community that supports
your spiritual growth and exploration of your own
gifts with unique. simple, and profound tools, resources,
and trainings not available anywhere else in the world.

UPDATE: To learn more and find out what the current
cost of enrollment is check out the community now.

Don’t forget the question this week: Are you spinning
your spiritual wheels? If so, I’d love to hear about it.

From my heart, I’m so grateful to be connected with
you in this way.



PS – I really am taking down the video course tomorrow.
If you want it sign up right now. 🙂

PPS – And if the membership community sounds
interesting to you, sign up right now and start changing
your life. You can cancel anytime if you don’t feel you’re
getting what you want from the experience. Don’t miss
this chance to implement these tools and resources at
a ridiculous discount. The contents of the community
aren’t available anywhere else. I didn’t train with
anyone – I haven’t modified someone else’s program.
It’s all original AND it’s transformative! Why not give
it a try and see for yourself and save a ton of money
while you’re at it: $50 off, every month – for as long
as you’re active with the community.