Retreat – From My Heart

Retreat – From My Heart




Ken W Stone

This past week I retreated from my life
a bit and went on a retreat, LOL! I
attended the amazing Christine Kloser’s
Transformational Author Retreat in
Maryland (in the US).

I have been transformed on so many
different levels – wanting to share with
you – and looking for the words to do so
since arriving home yesterday.

I was transformed by all the wonderful
souls I connected with and remembered
while I was there. Three soul brothers
(there were four men including me) and
a bunch of soul sisters from all around
this wonderful world we all share. It feels
soooo good to spend time in person with
my soul family.

I was deeply impacted by the stories and
experiences of transformation that were
shared during the week. There are
words for some of what I witnessed
and participated in, but they fall short
of the depth of communication I want
to have with you.

Instead I just invite you to take a few
minutes and take a couple of deep
breaths while fully remembering who you
really are, then think about being in
group of people doing the same thing
for four days. I laughed, I cried, I laughed
some more. I hugged. I gazed. I saw,
I was seen. I laughed even more.

I experienced a profound transformation
myself: I really got that I am an author with
an important message. That my time for
writing is as important, perhaps in some
ways more important, as my private or
group session time. And my book started
to flow out of me during writing time on
Wednesday. I can’t wait to share it with
you when it’s done and published.

I witnessed my coach (Christine) setting
an extraordinary example of what it is
to be authentic and vulnerable in person
with a group; holding space and facilitating
in such a profound way. As she has done
many times before, Christine inspired me
this week in new and unexpected ways.

I came away from the experience in a state
of profound gratitude. God is good in ways
that continue to surprise me and take my
breath away. And I remembered how
important it is to take time to retreat.

However you decide to do so, I hope you’ll
take time for yourself before the end of
March with a couple of hours or a couple of
days. There’s a lot going on right now
inside you around your purpose, your
gifts, and being authentic in the world.

Give yourself the gift of time to reflect on
this and whatever else comes up before
the end of the first quarter. It’s going to
be important for how the rest of the year
and your life plays out for you.

That’s it for this week (a few days late)…
From My Heart.


Ken Stone
“The Soul Archaeologist”
Internationally Recognized Teacher, Healer and Author
Creator of the Foundational Beneath the Sand Program