Paradox Integration From My Heart

Paradox Integration From My Heart




Ken W Stone

Have you noticed how the fundamental paradox (dual and non-dual: are we all separate – or are we all one?) repeats itself over and over again in your life in many different forms?

It’s as if you’re being invited to become comfortable living in the space between two “absolutes” repeatedly. To live in the resolution of the paradox – or perhaps better said, to live in integration of the yet unknown.

Here are a few examples of the paradox mirror:

==> There is a place within you where you are whole in every way (physically, emotionally, spiritually) even though you’re not having an experience of it right now.

You don’t have to know or deeply understand what has held you from experiencing this place to actually experience your wholeness. Important to note: your healing is a byproduct of regularly experiencing this place.

==> In order to fully experience the Divine masterpiece that is waiting to express itself in your life you must surrender everything.  Including your attachment to experiencing your Divine masterpiece.  You must let go of the ideas you have for yourself to allow something greater come in.

==> The integration of the yet unknown does not require a knowing or rational processing  to be realized.  And with integration, comes a knowing – many time beyond words.

How are you doing with paradox integration?

That’s it for this week…From My Heart.


Ken Stone
“The Soul Archaeologist”