My Purpose is WHAT?? From My Heart

My Purpose is WHAT?? From My Heart




Ken W Stone

Two years ago I was at a networking group that I attended each week. The normal leader wasn’t there on this morning – and the scheduled guest speaker didn’t show. Everyone looked at me at the start of the meeting, so I decided to lead.

When it came time for a speaker I offered to tune the intentions of the group. I held space for the group – and when an individual in the group felt drawn to give voice to their intention the rest of use tuned in and support them. It was very powerful and a lot of fun!

I remember one of the participants asking that she be allowed to succeed at her purpose and share her gifts with the world. I smiled when I heard that intention for two reasons: First – what a GREAT intention! Second – what if the person offering the intention didn’t yet know what her purpose was?  Was she ready to truly accept her purpose?

It happens all the time. We think we KNOW what we were designed for and the gifts we’re supposed to be sharing with our community, possibly with the world.

Five years ago I thought my purpose was to help Americans optimize their assets, debts, and retirement strategy to maximize their financial wealth. Seriously – that’s what I was sure my purpose was.

If you ask me today what my purpose is, I’ll tell you I think it has to do with helping people deepen their relationship with the Divine and fully remember and experience who they really are. And I’ll also tell you I don’t know. Every step I take on my path, I see it more clearly. Most of the time what I see more clearly is a surprise to me – even a complete shock!

Here’s what I know about purpose:

1)      If we think we know, we’re probably wrong. Your purpose is so big that there’s no way you can possibly take it all in at once.

2)      As a result you can only take “the next step” on your purpose path.  If you’re waiting to see the whole path, or be reassured about outcomes, you’ll continue waiting…forever. That’s how big your purpose is.

3)      The only person who can hold you from your purpose is you. Your purpose is what God (the Divine or the Universe) put you here for – it’s what you were built for.

4)      If you get out of the way and allow Divine grace to flow in your life, you will succeed at your purpose in ways you can’t imagine right now. By the way: “getting out of the way” is a nice way to say one of my favorite words – Surrender!  🙂  Remember the metaphor I use around surrender: Throw out the Map! Meaning let go of how AND what – both process and outcomes.

5)      Stepping into your purpose at its core is about completely remembering and fully expressing who you really are: an undistorted expression and extension of the Divine.  It’s about letting your authentic self out to play with no restrictions. Inevitably this means you get to work through your stuff. This means that the doorway that invites you to work through you stuff, is also the doorway that leads to discovering more of your purpose.

6)      Re-read #4.  When I say surrender I mean complete surrender.  In other words, your purpose doesn’t require any intention on your part – anymore than a rose must hold the intention that its buds blossom.

I’d love to hear from you. Do you have anything to add to this list of awareness around purpose? What’s on your mind after reading this list?

That’s it for this week…From My Heart



PS – if you’re interested in exploring your purpose while validating your spiritual gifts in an exclusive small group email and let  me know! I’ll be sure you’re notified first when the application process opens up in the next two weeks.

PPS – We’ll be meeting virtually (participate from your home) two times a month for six months, you’ll work with me regularly in one-on-one sessions, and we’ll gather as a group for an exclusive 4-day retreat here in Colorado. I can’t wait to see what amazing talents and gifts blossom to be shared with the world through this group!!

Ken Stone
“The Soul Archaeologist”
Internationally Recognized Teacher and Healer
Creator of the Beneath the Sand Practice