Leap – From My Heart

Leap – From My Heart




Ken W Stone

It’s leap day today so I’m thinking
about the invitation that comes
with leap …

Leap into your purpose. Helpful
support: Faith or direct experience
of the Divine. Even then, in my
experience, you may still face

If you face challenges, let go of your
ideas of what you think your
purpose is, where you’re headed,
and how you’re going to get there.
Then do it again, and again, and again.

Leaping into your purpose is an
invitation to surrender. It was for me,
and for my clients who have stepped
or are stepping into their purpose.

The opportunity to surrender is more
often than not, an indication you’re on
the right path not on the wrong one.

Leap into the Divine masterpiece that
is waiting to express itself in your life.
Support: see purpose. 🙂

Leap into your guidance and follow

Leap into a relationship with another.

Leap into your greatness.

Leap into consciousness.

Leap into your body and experience
the totality of what it means to be
a undistorted Divine conduit.

Leap into remembering who you
really are.

Leap into playing full out, integrating,
being authentic with your words, your
actions and your gifts.

Where will you leap today?

That’s it from this week…From My Heart.


Ken Stone
“The Soul Archaeologist”
Internationally Recognized Teacher and Healer
Creator of the Transformational Beneath the Sand Program