Keeping it Real – From My Heart #12

Keeping it Real – From My Heart #12




Ken W Stone

This past week I’ve caught up on the phone and
email with a number of different people around
the world.  The common theme to all these
conversations was keeping it real, and how the
space that I play in with my calling is available
to everyone.  No special pass or credentials

One person said – as I was answering his questions
about my journey and experience – “It’s reassuring
to know that you’re a real person living in the real
world.”  He went on to describe going to a variety
of different events and listening to people talk
from the stage about their amazing life and all
the wonderful things that happen to them all
the time.  Without any discussion of their journey
or what it takes to be in that state.  Or the
fact that they live in the real world too.

Although I have always lived in the real world, I
haven’t always wanted to communicate from
that perspective.  I’ve wanted to pretend, or
fabricate what’s really going on at various times
in my life.  At those moments, I thought it
was better to put on, than keep it real.

Even now, it’s tempting to make everything
sound so perfect, that I’m not challenged
in some areas of my life – that everything
is perfect.  Guess what: We’re all in the
same soup!

Here’s what I know.  There is a perfect place
inside me and it’s inside me because I’m a
human being.  I’ve done nothing special to
deserve that space.  And the more I practice
going into that space, the more aligned I
become, and the easier my life is, and the
more access I have – from moment to moment
to my inner peace and joy.  And I still live
in the real world.

I think the transformation that we’re all looking
for – including the folks I talked with this week –
the ability to experience AND know – to see and
feel and have the practical results of the powerful
things we know – is available to everyone.  And it
doesn’t take some magical thing from outside us
to find and experience.

And I’m living proof of that.  I’m more average
than the “average guy.”  And my hands and feet
buzz and wonderful things happen when I spend
time with folks.  But I didn’t train for it.  Didn’t
certify.  I just bumped into it.  And you can too.

From my heart, if you’re hurting physically,
emotionally, or spiritually – I can help.  If
you’re feeling stuck no matter what you keep
trying and nothing is changing, I can help.

I can help you discover the place within you
where you heal yourself.  Where you find
traction.  Where you change your life.

I just hung up with a woman I was working
with for 30 minutes.  We started and she was
at a 7 on the physical pain scale.  And the close
she said she couldn’t remember feeling that
good.  That was work she did.  I merely
facilitated.  She also had a bunch of
amazing intuitive insights.  They came to
her directly – not to me or though me.

You have this too and you can experience
it for yourself.  Drop me an email and let’s
find a time to chat on the phone to
explore if what I do would be a good
fit for what you’re looking for in your life.

I’m so grateful to be connected with you
this way!



PS – Seriously – I’d love to hear from
you.  Just click the  email link – and
your email will come to me personally.