I Am – From My Heart #19

I Am – From My Heart #19




Ken W Stone

I trust my email finds you enjoying an amazing Wednesday
(or Thursday, depending on where in the world you are)!

I have been marinating in the energy of “I Am” in ever more
wonderful ways over the last week.  I wanted to share
something with you that I wrote a couple of days ago:

Underneath Everything Else: I Am

Beneath the noise of the world, the to do lists, the
obligations, the physical and emotional pain … beneath
everything, within, is: I Am.

This is the space from which everything else springs forth.
And to be in the I Am space, is to experience oneself
before thought or images.  The visceral experience of
being whole.

This is your natural state.  And you can return to this
state at any time – indeed, you can live your life from
this state.  It is always within you.  Whatever your name,
your history, your experiences, your deeds:  Always.

I Am.

One of the gifts that I have been given is the ability
to facilitate the I Am space for others, allowing them
to remember and experience their true nature.  The
process that has come through me is called “Going Beneath
the Sand.”

If you would like to experience this, I would love to share it
with you.  This can happen through in private session as
well as through a self study course.

The cost for the private session package is is $900 and
you can sign up here:


If you’d like to go through this experience via the self
study option, the discounted tuition is $200 and you can sign
up here:


If you’ve been wanting to move beyond knowing about your
inner connection with the Divine to experiencing your true
nature viscerally, I invite you to sign up and expand your

I’m so grateful we’re connected in this way!!!



PS – If you have questions before you sign up, just
email me with your location including country, and we’ll
schedule a chat via phone or Skype (if you’re outside N