How To Fix It – From My Heart

How To Fix It – From My Heart




Ken W Stone

Do you ever wonder how to make
manifest the glory of the Divine in
your life? How to actually experience
the benefits of all the spiritual truths
that you know?

So many people have been consumed
with the Law of Attraction over the
last number of years. I remember
watching the movie “The Secret” in late
2006 and thinking – NOW I’ve got my
“how to” for making some serious money
which will clearly make me a happy man.
Inside, I was pretty unhappy at the time.

Needless to say, this was before I woke up.
And surprise, surprise, perhaps like you, I
tried to fix my life work utilizing all the
things I learned in that movie, and a bunch
of books later…with no success.

Here’s what I now know about the “how to”
for everything that’s not working in your life
– that you wish was easier, more abundant,
more full of love, etc. (business or personal):

When you come into a state of resonance
with your Divine (in your body – viscerally.
I teach/facilitate Beneath the Sand to
support this process) and you surrender
(completely – no negotiations), the universe
immediately begins to support you
in ways you couldn’t have imagined.

It’s not about holding an intention – mantras
– or visualizations. All of these activities are
at a “lower” frequency that your true, Divine
nature. And while these practices are powerful
when followed with the practice of surrender
(just as we experienced in the 4th session in
the 4 Days of Healing series), implemented
without surrender they limit the Divine as
they arise from the mind. Get out of the
way, and let Divine grace flow in your life.

It works. I went from freaking out about how to
buy groceries and pay rent 9 months ago,
to having more money in the bank today
than I’ve had in years.

What changed?

Surrender. June 30th 2011 to be precise.
And what did I surrender on that day?
In a word: Everything. My big lesson
in this life has been (and is) self love. My
pain and suffering all derived from my
lack of understanding and experiencing
self love.

At some point in the weeks leading up to
June 30th last year, I realized money is love.
Then I realized I don’t know what self
love is. The answer: Surrender.

Is it all about the money? Heck no – but
it sure is nice to receive support as I share
my gifts with the world. (Big thanks to my
clients for inviting me to be with you on
your path, and hiring me.)

How many people feel called to a higher
purpose in their lives only to end up confused
by the lack of financial support for following
their guidance and purpose? It can end up
feeling like bad guidance, or that you mis-
understood your purpose, can’t it?

There is another answer.

That’s it for this week…From My Heart.


Ken Stone
“The Soul Archaeologist”