How Long Do You Have? From My Heart #5

How Long Do You Have? From My Heart #5




Ken W Stone

Originally emailed 4.20.2011

How long do you have?

I’ve been thinking about this lately. About all the
things I want to do in my life. With my daughters.
Places to travel. Experiences I want to have. Ways
I want to share my gifts with the world.

Do you also have a list of things you want to
accomplish before you die?

I’ve been thinking about what’s holding me back.
In what ways I’m playing small where I could be
playing big. When I really focus in on this, there
are one or two things. Is that true for you as well?

From my heart – I’d like to know what’s holding you
back. What’s stopping you from playing big in your
life? What, if it were different, would allow you to
start accomplishing your list. And I’d love to hear
what’s on your list.

I focus a portion of my practice on working with
people who have one or two things that are holding
them back from their greatness, from playing big
in their life, and in the world. I have a very simple
yet profound process that I teach, and my clients
tell me unblocks them, and allows them to move

“I spent some time with Ken today and received
clarity in several key areas that had been holding
me in limitation and keeping me small I feel
stronger than I’ve felt in a long time. Thanks, Ken”
–Kevin Houchin Attorney & Author

Do you know what’s holding you in limitation?
Call me or email and let me know (just hit reply to
this email). include your phone (skype if you’re
outside N America) so we can connect live, and have
a brief chat to see if I might be able to help you.

What would happen if that the last one or two
things holding you back melted away and you
could play big in every way, in every area of your

From my heart, I’m grateful to be connected with
you in this way.



PS – You may wonder what I do when I focus in
on what’s holding me back. I utilize the exact
same process that I teach and facilitate. Guess
what? It works every time. Let’s connect! I’d
love to hear about what you’re up to in your life
what’s holding you back, and what you are looking
for next.

PPS – This is a real offer – it’s me. And I’d like
to connect. Email or call. See what happens!

Ken Stone