From My Heart — I Believe

From My Heart — I Believe




Ken W Stone

I spent some time with a soul brother last week at a marketing conference in Arizona. It was a week of connecting, and learning, and affirming. It was awesome!!

On the last day, a presenter stood up and started talking about the power of talking about what you believe. As he spoke, I started thinking about the impact of not just allowing others to see me, but of actually getting a bull horn and effectively saying: “Here’s who I am!!” Or more to the point, “Here’s what I believe!”

A statement of beliefs brings a conversation to a jumping off point: If what I believe resonates with you, we continue. If it doesn’t it’s possible you’ll leave the conversation. And there it is: Am I willing to not only be seen, but to tell you what I believe?

I am.

I believe that the Divine is equally present in each person on the planet (now, or ever), no matter what has been done to them, or what they have done to others.

I believe the pathway to complete resonance on all levels (physical and emotional health, spiritually, in relationships, your purpose, with money, etc.) involves experiencing the Divine within.

I believe that experiencing the Divine within is the first step to experiencing your wholeness.

I believe the practice of wholeness is available equally to everyone right now – including you.

I believe the practice of wholeness is not a mindset or borne of belief. Rather, I believe it is a visceral experience that arises before thought, before beliefs.

I believe that this experience of mystical wholeness is available to you, right now.

I believe that we have no idea of the depth of love that the Divine has for us, but that we can begin to experience that love more fully if only we let go of our ideas (the how, and the what).

I believe the more we let go, the more we experience that unending love and grace in every area of our lives.

I believe complete resonance – Divine alignment and grace – is available to all who practice their wholeness and who also surrender completely.

I believe that healing is a byproduct of these practices (wholeness, and surrender).
I believe you are whole and perfect just as you are.

I believe you have a purpose and it will be revealed to you in greater measure until your last breath.

I believe you have been given extraordinary spiritual gifts. I believe you are the only one who has been given these gifts. I believe you are meant to serve the world with your gifts.

I believe that the journey of discovery of your purpose and your gifts and then powerfully sharing them with the world is a journey of remembering and experiencing who you really are.

I believe that the “work” of sharing your gifts and living your purpose is already done. I believe the opportunity in front of you is to come into resonance with your true self and allow that to express and be seen. I believe your tribe is waiting for you to do this, and once you do, they will step forward and let you know how excited they are to see you.

I believe that when you do this, you will live your life from a perspective that is beyond your imagination in this moment. And yet, when you experience it for the first time, and ever time after, you will feel as though you are coming home.

I believe you are the Divine in motion.

These are some of my beliefs.

What do you believe?

That’s it for this week…From My Heart



PS – I’d love to hear your thoughts! Please post a comment below. It may take a bit for your comments to be posted (they are reviewed first). Once they’re posted, I will eventually comment (please be patient with me).

Ken Stone
“The Soul Archaeologist”
Internationally Recognized Teacher and Healer