From My Heart #4

From My Heart #4




Ken W Stone

Originally emailed on 4.15.2011

Do you have any areas of your life where you’d
really like to have traction – but it’s just not

Earlier this week I launched a new website: This website is
focused on communicating with people who
are recovering from a trauma, and introducing
them to my work, and how I’ve been able to help
so many other people around the world who are
working on putting their lives back together
after trauma. BTW: if you’re in this situation, or
someone you love is recovering from trauma, please
visit this site. It contains some really powerful
information and resources to facilitate the recovery

I wrote an e-book about recovering from PTSD
for this site that I’m giving away. I started the
book thinking it would be an easy quick thing.

It turned out to be a significant project. I’m proud
of how it turned out – and I’ve been getting great
feedback. AND it it was really hard to put to words a
process that is very natural and not directed with
words. There were a number of times during the
writing process when I felt like I just wasn’t able to
break through with what I wanted to be saying. I
felt like I wasn’t getting any traction. It was really
frustrating and overwhelming. At times I thought
that although I was very passionate about the project
and writing this book, that it just wasn’t going to
happen – or that the result wouldn’t measure
up to what I expect from myself.

What’s amazing is that I was able to use
the process that I wrote about – the same process
I facilitate for others – to help myself through the
process of writing. Of going from no traction – to
getting significant traction in a matter of 30-minutes.

Is there an area of your life right now where you’re not
getting traction? Where if you could just crack through
you’d have momentum and everything would be SO
much better?

UPDATE: If so – check out the Beneath the Sand
Self Study Course.

I’d love to hear from you. Please tell me about it. I
might be able to help you learn how to get traction
in the one or two areas of your life where you’re not
getting traction right now.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could do something on your
own to get traction?

I’m so grateful to be connected with you in this way.



PS – email me and tell me what’s on your mind. It’s not
a rhetorical request. I really want to hear from you. And
who knows, you might just get the help you need to the
traction you want in your life. Probably worth the effort of
an email, don’t you think?

PPS – I got a number of emails after last week’s “From My
Heart” email asking if it was really me behind the email.
it is. Drop me an email (or comment below) and see what