From My Heart #2

From My Heart #2




Ken W Stone

Originally emailed on 3.30.2011

It’s been a really interesting week with lots of learning.
I’ve been interviewing people who suffer from PTSD
(thanks to all who offered to be interviewed) and
learning, and experiencing and feeling.

For the first time in my professional experience, I’ve
had a deep experience of what so many other people
go through all the time: being impacted by energy of
what someone else is going through, and a bit lost as
to how to process and deal with it for myself.

I asked for permission during the PTSD interviews to
energetically “plug in” to open up an additional avenue
of learning and information. Historically the only time I
ever plug in is during a group or private session – when
I’m able to work on and resolve the dissonance. For the
first time, I felt and was exposed to the dissonance (the
source of the person’s pain) and just sat with it. WOW –
an amazing experience of empathy resulted and that
was significant for me.

As a byproduct of that process, that feeling of dissonance
stayed with me as I came away from some of these
interviews. I’m not used to that. Normally when I work
with someone or a group – their dissonance is resolved –
and I get to witness the resolution. After getting my wits
about me I was able take myself beneath the sand to
have the experience of being whole and restore the feeling
of resonance within me.

I have come away from this experience with a much
deeper understanding and appreciation for what folks
suffering from PTSD are dealing with – as well as what
people who are highly sensitive deal with all the time. I’ve
also been reminded of how transformative the tools that
I teach are for people who are hurting. I’m grateful for the
learning and the perspective.

UPDATE: I’ve launched a website focused on Recovering
From PTSD.

If you have a hard time with processing or managing the
energy of others in work or social settings – hit reply. I’ll
share with you what worked for me.

UPDATE: I did a class on managing your own energy and it’s
available for download inside the membership community. Login
here or join the community if you’re not currently a member.

A Fun Surprise:

This past week I worked with a woman on the
East Coast (US) who was suffering from PTSD.
She was feeling frozen around her ability to make
a decision and move forward with a big issue in
her life. Following our session she reported she
had seen her chiropractor a couple hours after
our session. Her chiropractor said: “Wow – what
did you do? I’ve never seen your spine this
straight.” Now that’s a fun surprise! As she
said in her email WE did some great work together!
And that’s how I see it a wonderful collaboration with
an amazing soul. 🙂

In the next week:

Thursday evening marks the final installment in the
“Beneath the Sand” class. Think of this class as
learning another tool to help you uncover your experience
of who you really are – a perfect and whole expression
of the Divine expressing in your human body. If you’re
wishing you had signed up in time to participate
it’s not too late. The recordings of the first two classes
(and link for tomorrow night’s class) – as well as all the
supporting experiences – are in the membership
community. Join the community here.

Tuesday’s group session (4/5/11) will be a couple of
hours early at 4p MDT so I can teach Divine Connecting
Breath to a breast cancer group here in Northern
Colorado that evening. Group sessions (and much
more) are available in the community.

The Big Question:

I was having a conversation with a colleague this
morning – she was telling me that earlier this year
she finally had said out loud for herself and others
to hear what her big dream is, and how freeing it
had been since first saying this several months back.

What’s your big dream for your life? Have you ever
said it out loud? Have you told anyone else? Hit
reply and tell me what your big dream is – I’d love
to hear from you.

I’m grateful to be connected with you in this way –
from my heart.



PS – Do you have the 10-Minute version of Divine
Connecting Breath? If not here’s the download page
(you can listen online or download to your computer).

UPDATE: You can purchase the 10-minute DCB here.

PPS – For more information about the membership
community visit this page – or hit reply and drop
me an email with your questions. (UPDATE: leave
comments below or email with questions – I will