From My Heart #1

From My Heart #1




Ken W Stone

I email my list one time each week (typically between Tuesday and Thursday) From My Heart. I’ve had a number of email requests asking me to post old From My Heart emails somewhere – so I’m including these in my blog.

If you’re interested in joining my list – you can do so at (you’ll get some nice bonuses when you sign up).

Thanks for reading – I’m honored!


PS – this was first mailed out on 3/24/2011

From My Heart

I’ve had several blinding flashes of the
obvious over the last three weeks:

I feel very comfortable when I’m
communicating with you from my
heart. So that’s what I’m naming
my weekly email. You’ll see it
sometime between Tuesday and
Thursday each week. Here’s the
first one. 🙂

There a lot going on each week
that’s available to you to support
you in your healing. Whether
you’re having a hard time in the
“outer” world, or the “inner” these
offerings are very powerful resources,
and I want you to know what’s available
so you can get involved with the trainings
and experiences that resonate with you.
So I’ll be including them in my “From my
Heart” emails.

From My Heart:

I’m grateful to everyone who responded to
my request for help earlier this week. I
asked to interview people suffering from
PTSD – and I’ve had an amazing response.
I have started the interviews and the sharing
that’s been happening is truly amazing.
I’ll be updating what I’m learning through
this process in the coming weeks. For now:
Big gratitude for all the emails I’ve received
offering to chat and share perspective on
such an important topic. Thank you.

In the next week:

Tonight at 6p MDT I’m holding part II of the
“Beneath the Sand” course. This experience
is webcast for participation wherever you are.
Tonight’s our first group experience of the
Beneath the Sand space. I’m very excited to
facilitate and share this for everyone who is
participating in this course. A number of people
have joined the class through the community
over the last week since the first class was held.
They’ve been listening to the recording to get
caught up – and option that’s available to you
as well if you’d like to participate. If you have
any questions about this class/experience please
email me by hitting ‘reply’ to this email. And you
can sign up here (updated link: this is now a self
study course):

Tuesday (the 28th) I’ll be holding a webcast group
healing session. When you join the community you
get the weekly group sessions included. Let me know
if you have questions about the community. Sign up
for the community here:

The Big Question: How do you practice loving yourself?

I practice loving myself by meditating and opening
up the space available within where I am whole
and perfect, whenever I am feeling a bit off. I
give myself this experience whenever I meditate
and immediately I’m back on track. That’s how
I practice loving myself.

How do you love yourself? (I’d really love to hear
from you – please comment below).

I’m grateful to be connected with you in this way –
from my heart.

