Forgetting or Remembering? From My Heart #15

Forgetting or Remembering? From My Heart #15




Ken W Stone

There’s an interesting question around the process of
complete integration:  What’s the essential step?   To
forget who we are not – or remember and experience
who we are?

I got into an interesting discussion over on my facebook
business page
a couple of weeks back with a gentleman from South
Africa – I love how the internet connects us all over the
globe!  If you’re on FB please visit and ‘like’ this page
so we can be connected over there as well.

In any case, here’s my sense of things on this question:
Clearing what is blocking us is critical, but understanding
what was blocking us is optional – sometimes even detrimental.

As soon as the blocks are clear – or as clear as they’re going
to get, we focus on remembering and experiencing who we
really are.  It’s that straight forward.

Forgetting who we are not does not have anything to do with
experiencing who we are.  It’s like trying to prove something
with negatives – it’s impossible.  “I am not this, I am not that.”
But I still haven’t experienced I am.  This is similar to
clearing subconscious beliefs in hopes of experiencing who we
are.  It’s not going to happen – the subconscious can support
just about any belief (from a muscle testing perspective).  This
approach is tantamount to fishing in a black hole for the truth.
It will eat you up.  🙂  (this is not to say that doing work on
the subconscious isn’t helpful – it can be very helpful.  And it’s
not going to unlock the experience of who you are.  If done
correctly, it can help clear blocks.)

So how do my thoughts on this important question affect you?

No matter how long ago the source and origin of your wound(s),
you can release that wound, and experience yourself as whole.

This process won’t take you long (three weeks).  It’s important
to be committed to a new approach to staying in alignment
after you go through this process – say 30 minutes once or twice
a day, to deepen your experience of yourself, and to stay
in shape spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  And you can
do this, regardless of the details of your particular challenges,
wounds, or pain.

What needs to be cleared in your life so you can finally experience
yourself for who you really are?

I’d love to hear from you.  And I’d love to book a complimentary
phone or Skype (if you’re outside N America) consultation with you.
I’ve been able to balance my private session work, writing, and other
projects with these consultations so I want to continue to offer

“I had a wonderful healing experience with Ken Stone. An hour of
Spiritual Communication, and clearing on a deep soul level. I have
felt more relaxed, less anxious, and more energetic since spending
an hour on the telephone with him.  He taps into the energetic field
of whomever he works with and does the healing work. He is truly
a gifted healer, a humble man, with keen intuitive insights.”
— Dorothy Beale – California

Curious about what your experience with me would be like?  Just
email me and we’ll schedule something.  🙂

From my heart, I’d love to hear from you.

I’m so grateful we’re connected in this way!

