Discover the Mystical Dimension and Experience the Divine Within Now

Discover the Mystical Dimension and Experience the Divine Within Now

Experience the Divine Within in All Aspects of Life

Discover, Embody, and Integrate as You Open to the Full Depth of Divine Presence

When you experience the Divine within, you are opening to a mystical experience—a direct experience of God by whatever name. This leads to discovering the peace of God, your spiritual gifts and divine purpose, and a life of fulfillment and meaning beyond your imagination – along with many other profound outcomes.

Experiencing the Divine within can be elusive. As a result, many believe God is not already present in the body, mind, and all aspects of life. This belief is a function of the illusion of separation which leaves many feeling abandoned, cut off from, or forgotten about by the Divine.

These challenges melt away, when your focus shifts from trying to comprehend how, to experiential engagement.

Think of when you learned to swim or ride a bike. No matter how much prior instruction you received, once you entered the water or began to try to ride, a new, entirely unknown experience began to unfold. If you were accompanied in the experience by a teacher who helped you in the water or ran alongside you, you felt a level of confidence that all the knowledge in the world couldn’t offer.

Experiencing the Divine within is uniquely different because while many have learned to swim or ride a bike, few have been able to sustain an experience of God within their being and life. While meditation and other spiritual practices promise support in opening up to the ineffable, the last barrier of the journey from practice to breakthrough appears insurmountable.

God’s expression through me results in a visceral, direct experience of the Divine in your being. For many this experience is unlike anything they have ever before experienced.

That was the deepest spiritual experience of my life – has been a frequent, unprompted reflection of people I’ve supported in session, including a number of former advanced students of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi I “randomly” worked with when I was first exploring God’s expression through me.

In the years since, two paths to experience the Divine within have revealed themselves. The first, Spiritual Mastery, is focused on opening to an interior experience of the Divine within. The second, Spiritual Messenger Mastery, focuses on an exterior experience of the Divine within, supporting the discovery and exploration of one’s unique spiritual gifts and divine purpose.

With each step through the discovery, embodiment, and integration process a new depth and resonance emerges — a more complete expression of the Divine as you.

What results, is a life of fulfillment and meaning beyond your imagination, as you experience the Divine within on levels never before encountered.

Because the way God works through me is so fundamentally different than what many have ever before experienced, and because it’s difficult to understand this without experiencing it, I offer both introductory classes and experiences for free, as well as paid programs, for those who wish to dive deeper with an experience of the Divine within. Some of the ways you can experience the Divine within are outlined below in the third section of each focus area (under the heading ‘Experience the Divine within programs I offer’) below.

  • Discover – Experience the Divine Within:

    • The initial mystical encounter (when you experience the Divine within) enlivens and expands known and unknown aspects of the Divine expression as you. Potentially including: spontaneous spiritual healing, an experience of inner peace that exceeds anything you’ve encountered before, a deeper sense of connection to self, the Divine, and others, as well as many other profound expressions of divine resonance.

      Experience the Divine Within

      With practice, the initial encounter becomes a predictable experience, as available as the doorway to your dwelling, one you can step through at any time.

    • For many, to discover and experience the Divine within requires a different approach. Conventional thinking dictates that understanding precedes experience, so pursuing the mystical becomes a quest for knowledge.

      Frequently, pursuing knowledge becomes the barrier to experience the Divine within because of the limits of language in describing the Divine Mystery.

      In spirituality as in life, the direct experience holds more meaning, and is far more impactful in creating transformation than knowledge on its own.

      Fortunately, to experience the Divine within requires no special knowledge, merely an willingness to step into a direct experience of the Divine Mystery. From there a new perspective and experience of your inner and outer life follows.

    • Soul Embodiment is the foundation of experiencing and exploring the Divine within. Join an extraordinary group from around the world for the Embodied Soul Experience (virtual event) and experience the Divine within your body.
  • Embody – Experience the Divine Within:

    • To embody the Divine within is to shift from initial encounter to everyday experience. Embodying the Divine within expands the glimpse of the mystical dimension, into an ongoing exploration, with new aspects of the Divine Mystery revealing themselves every day, even as the visceral experience of the ineffable crescendos where once it was only a whisper.

      Embody - Experience the Divine Within

    • Embodying the Divine Within is the result of spiritual practice. The practices I have received and teach begin with Soul Embodiment, which is a process of coming home in the body. The soul wants to come home; however, this process is often interrupted by the energetic residue of incomplete experiences with trauma or wounds of the past or present (the soul doesn’t differentiate – everything is now). I teach two additional practices for attending to the dissonance that arises from the illusion of separation, and then it’s all about a practice I call Beneath the Sand, which results in a visceral experience of wholeness – your true nature, or innate divine wholeness. Clearing the blocks isn’t enough to truly embody the Divine, it requires an affirmative experience of Divine Resonance; a practice of wholeness, which Beneath the Sand offers.
    • Your Embodied Soul is the enlivening and transmuting presence that makes a sustaining experience of the Divine within possible. Participate in the Embodied Soul Experience (virtual event) and accelerate your embodiment journey.
  • Integrate – Experience the Divine Within

    • When you integrate an experience of the Divine within, what was once separate, is no longer. We can talk about integrating the Divine within, but we could also refer to this process as uncovering and experiencing the truth of who you really are – an undistorted expression and extension of the Divine that is already fully embodied and integrated.

      Integrate - Experience the Divine Within

    • With integration, all aspects of Divine expression aren’t simply available, they are expressed, including your innate wholeness on every level of your being, as well as “your” unique spiritual gifts, message, and divine purpose.
    • Your Embodied Soul resonates so deeply throughout every level of your being, it supports your spiritual integration. Resonate in the Embodied Soul Experience (virtual circle) and marinate in the profound, integrating presence of the Divine within (you).

I’m energized by this opportunity to open to an experience of the Divine within, with you in whatever way most resonates with you, so you can experience every aspect of your divine potential.

