Embodiment for Spiritual Messengers

Embodiment for Spiritual Messengers

Soul Embodiment For Spiritual Messengers

Four Powerful Transmissions to Support Your Work as a Spiritual Messenger

Ken W Stone; spiritual teacher, author, and spiritual healer

I’m reminded of a vision I saw years ago, and truth I witness nearly every day in my private practice: When an embodied messenger expresses their creativity (by writing, painting, through voice or video recording, or in any other creative expression), the expression creates a conduit through which their consciousness is connected in real time. Not just at the moment of creation, but forever. This means that everything you create from an embodied space carries with it your consciousness in “real time” and whatever gifts continue to reveal themselves through you, are in turn expressed through what you have created.

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  • Four Extraordinary Resources to Support Your Work as a Spiritual Messenger:

    • Divine Connecting Breath - Shared with tens of thousands of people around the world, this simple guided meditation supports you in shifting from living through the lens of the illusion of separation, to experiencing yourself, everyone, and everything as innately connected with the Divine.
    • The Stages of Consciousness - A foundational context for interpreting the life you've lived, and understanding what's in front of you as you move forward in your spiritual journey, and your journey as a Spiritual Messenger.
    • Soul Embodiment - An essential, visceral experience of the Divine within your being, and the first, next, and last step in the work that's coming up for your attention in your life right now. God's unique expression as Ken results in an experience of 'soul embodiment' that is unlike anything you've ever experienced before. Early on, Ken supported a number of former advanced students of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who each spontaneously said, following their first session with Ken: "That was the deepest spiritual experience of my life."
    • The Divine Transmission Tower - A profound roadmap for Spiritual Messengers to understand what's next in supporting and serving those you're called to engage with, with maximum impact and traction.

Whether you're an author, speaker, healer, coach, spiritual entrepreneur, or any of the myriad other expressions, I'm grateful for this opportunity to share these essential resources to support your embodiment and journey as a Spiritual Messenger.

It's an honor to share this space of deep embodied resonance with you, and to support you in stepping further into the Mystery of Divine Presence in your being and life.

In God's Love and Presence,


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