Deep Dive I Virtual Workshop
Join Spiritual Messenger, Author, And Healer Ken W Stone For A Deeper Dive
Into Divine Resonance with The Very First Deep Dive Virtual Workshop
The importance of experiencing our innate connection with the Divine, with each other, and with ourselves, while embodying this deeply has never been more important than it is right now. For many people these connections have been and are elusive.
Take a day for yourself this coming week, and join me and an amazing group of similarly focused and resonant people from around the world as we sink into a deep experience of divine resonance. Throughout the day, you will restore these foundational connections and experiences within yourself, from the comfort of your home.
As you go deep something likely beyond what you’ve experienced to this point in your life will unfold in your awareness and experience. Perhaps because of something I say, or the way I teach a concept or answer a question. More likely, because you’ll be having a deeper and more intimate encounter with the ineffable, within your body and being.
If you’re ready to register because already know this is right for you, I invite you to complete your registration now. Otherwise, please continue reading and see if this opportunity resonates with you.
Sink Beneath the Tension and Drama, to Uncover Your Inner Light
Beneath the waves of the storm that is brewing in the world right now, underneath whatever tensions or challenges may be showing up in your body, mind, or life, is a quiet, still place.
You have to venture down deep within yourself to find this place. It’s deep enough, that the source of the light shifts from what’s going on above in the storm, to inside, within you.
Once you begin encountering this space within yourself the pathway forward is clear. Where once you could see only storms and challenges, pain and suffering—and you focused much of your energy trying to overcome, solve, or heal—you now can feel the power of Divine Presence emanating from within you.
Your job has shifted too, from frantic seeking to peaceful being. It’s a profound shift. Not one that opens because of a thought or mantra, but experientially. In the same way you once thought you understood what it meant and would feel like to hold a newborn baby. And then you experienced it, and everything changed in an instant.
This is what is available to you, when you participate in the Deep Dive Virtual Workshop.
Do the Work That’s Been Waiting to Be Done
When you allow yourself to become present to the wounds that have been traumatizing you and holding you back from experiencing your divine potential, you can begin doing the soul work that’s been waiting patiently for you to engage.
The challenge has been, if you allowed yourself to even begin to open to the depth of the pain, disappointment, and hurt from earlier in your life it would have consumed you. Now, as you’re energetically and spiritually supported in embodying your soul, the fire of Divine Presence burns hot and bright within you, and the traumas and wounds are fully transmuted if only you’ll allow yourself to feel the hurt, pain, loss, and anguish that have been long suppressed.
Only when you engage with the paradoxical alchemy of your embodied soul and expressing the incomplete feelings long suppressed, can you finally complete the work that’s been waiting to be finished.
And as you begin to open to the power of Divine Presence not as an idea or even a feeling—but as an embodied, fully integrated expression (AS YOU!) everything begins to shift
With this interior shift, the outward begins to transform as well. What was once a distorted, limited vessel for carrying your Divine Light, is now the pure, undistorted, raw expression of your Divine Whole.
Here’s How You’ll Open to this Interior Experience of Reality:
We’ll Begin in the first session by exploring Soul Embodiment:
- Transmute the traumas and wounds that have blocked your full potential and kept you stuck in your current patterns
- Unlock and release Divine Resonance through every aspect of your mind, heart, and being
- In the process, releasing Divine Potential throughout your body, mind, and presence
Understand the Role Your Consciousness Plays in How You Experience Reality
The lens you perceive yourself and your life through profoundly impacts your experience of reality. Even if you’ve transmuted the traumas that have kept you stuck, your consciousness can still limit your experience of who you really are, and as a result, of the world at large.
We’ll be exploring a roadmap of the developmental journey in consciousness so you understand how your lens has been influencing how you experience yourself, others, and the world at large.
Learn the Developmental Stages of Consciousness that ALL Human Beings Go Through:
- To gain new perspective on the life you’ve lived and the choices you’ve made to this point in your spiritual journey
- So you can understand what’s next, and what’s to come in roadmap of your developmental journey in consciousness
- To receive a vision of your pathway into Union Consciousness
- Increase your understanding and compassion for how this developmental journey impacts everyone. This will ultimately support the dissolution of the illusion of separation between you and the individuals, leaders, and groups who don’t resonate with how you see the world, especially during this global crisis where a deep sense of connection with every living being could be so powerful in reinforcing the love the Divine feels for all beings without exception
Understand and Experience the Relationship Between Deep Inner Divine Resonance and Healing as well as Other Internal and External Expressions of Resonance
The embodied experience of Divine Resonance directly impacts the every day practical considerations that face each and every human being on the planet: How can I heal or recover from this physical challenge or illness? How can I reconnect to myself? How can I find joy or peace in my life? How do I restore my relationship with my partner? How can I discover my unique spiritual gifts or my purpose? How can I live a more fulfilling life? And many other practical questions and considerations
Eventually we discover that the energetic or the spiritual has a profound impact on these types of practical questions. The question ultimately is: How can I support and experience this connection, and fully tap into my Divine Potential?
We’ll be exploring this linkage conceptually and experientially, so can begin crossing the bridge between understanding spiritual ideas that could transform your day-to-day-life, to actually experiencing them in your body and life. It’s not the magical thinking that dominates so much of popular contemporary metaphysics. Instead, you’ll learn and experience what was being referenced in the ancient wisdom: As Above, So Below.
Learn how the experience of deep embodied Divine Resonance can impact your physical and emotional well being:
- So you can stop engaging in approaches for physical or emotional well-being which sound compelling, but never seem to make a real difference
- And instead focus on making an meaningful difference in the aspects of your well being and life that matter most for you right now
- To restore your your emotional and physical well being to a level you may have never before experienced, so you can focus and engage in ways that make a significant difference in your life, the lives of those you love, your community, and the world
Learn How to Sustain Embodied Resonance
In Every Aspect of Your Being and Life
Sustain Traction in the Most Meaningful and Important Areas of Your Life, Immediately
- So you can stop living life focused on overcoming challenges or responding to emergency, urgency, and living with constant adrenaline and stress
- And begin living a fulfilling life of calm and connection, sustained in your breakthroughs, deeper into resonance with each new day, no matter what is going on in the world at large
- For underneath everything else, is the Divine – and when you learn how to engage with, experience, and integrate this embodied presence, everything begins to change in ways you simply can’t imagine from the perspective you’re living your life from right now
Dive Deep into Divine Resonance and Restore
Frequently Asked Questions:
The Deep Dive Workshop Includes
- An opportunity for you to go even deeper with the four primary themes of the workshop — so you can sink below the noise, chaos, and fear that may be up the surface in your life and the world right now, and discover and experience the peace and resonance that is already within you.
- An opportunity not only to understand, but to also experience. Often times spiritual knowledge sounds compelling, but is difficult to implement or open to experientially. God’s expression through Ken supports those who sit with him in transmission (live or recorded) an opportunity to deeply experience the ineffable.
- An opportunity for you to reconnect to yourself, the Divine, and all of creation, as you open up to and experience of the source of all true healing, joy, peace, and love.
- Four virtual sessions throughout the day, so you can participate from your location, requiring only an internet or phone connection.
- An opportunity to be in community with other like-minded people from around the world.
- Plus a private Facebook Group where you can reflect, share, and connect with other participants.