Divine Connecting Breath, Video One

Begin Experiencing Your Connection to the Divine Within

Shared with tens of thousands of people around the world, this simple guided meditation is both the beginning of each transmission that Ken facilitates — and a doorway you can easily step through to a greater experience and feeling of connection with the Divine and yourself.

Download the MP3:

Divine Connecting Breath

Audio Player


NOTE: This download is the audio MP3 only. The video is only available to stream on this website.

I encourage you to listen to this recording several times a day for maximum impact as you move towards experiencing your highest self.

To move deeper into an experience of Divine Resonance, I invite you to click this link and add your name to The Resonance Experiment — a free, online event that is the most distilled expression of what I teach and faciliate in three powerful sessions. Plus there’s an updated training on Diving Connecting Breath included.

