Engage · Experience · Expand
Join Author And Spiritual Messenger
Kenneth Walter Stone For A Raw
Manuscript 19-Week Book Study of
His Not-Yet-Published New Book
There is a System of Being that is within each and every human being. This system of being is available independent of beliefs, actions or trauma.
Engaging this System of Being results in an experience of Embodied Resonance the likes of which are quite literally impossible to put into words.
Attempts to describe with words this ineffable experience include: Love without Cause, Beginning or End.
Or The Peace of God that Surpasses All Understanding.
Or A Profound Sense of Connection to Myself and God (is there a difference?).
Or Being Completely Present.
Or The End of Suffering.
It’s as available for you experience as it is for the Dalai Lama, Pope Francis, Eckhart Tolle, or Thich Nhat Hanh–as much as it was for Jesus, the Buddha, Muhammad, for any of the Divine expressions in the Hindu tradition (or any tradition), or any other example of embodied Divinity that has ever lived or is alive today.
Learn About, Explore, and Experience this Extraordinary
System of Being in a Way Never Before Possible
Unlock the Byproducts of This System of Being Internally AND Externally
- When you experience The Peace of God that Surpasses All Understanding … When you experience The End of Suffering, not only is this a profound spiritual experience, but it resonates outward into every aspect of your body, mind and life.
- Possible side effects of uncovering and experiencing this System of Being include radical physical and emotional healing, greatly improved relationships, and dramatic increases in financial abundance.
- Plus … it is almost impossible to go deeper into this System of Being without moving into deeper alignment with your soul’s purpose while gaining greater access to your unique spiritual gifts.
Engage With the System of Being Step by Step
- Each of the nine chapters excavates a different aspect of the bedrock upon which the System of Being rests, at a depth and breadth that’s simply never been engaged before. Whereas Ken has taught this system of being in the past, the complete embodied transmission has never been available or committed to paper … until now.
- The process of writing has opened up a deeper level of intimacy with God for Ken. As a result of this more profound intimacy, Ken’s awareness of and embodiment of this System of Being has expanded exponentially.
- Now this embodied transmission is available for you to engage and experience in a way never before possible. Not just in the written transmission, for this book study is more than just a reading circle …
Explore Each Step of the System of Being On at Least Four Significant Levels
- You will receive each chapter one week before discussion begins on that chapter, giving you an opportunity to sit with and receive the written form of the transmission.
- You’ll then gather with the rest of the Book Study Group and participate in a virtual workshop discussion on the current chapter. This will give you an opportunity to clarify, ask questions and receive even more of the transmission around this System of Being, while supporting you in more fully integrating and embodying what’s being uncovered within you.
- One week later, you’ll gather LIVE once again to receive two transmissions related to each chapter. The first is the exercise that closes each chapter, eventually available for each and every reader to download and listen and experience directly.
- The second transmission is offered exclusively to members this Book Study Group, and is in silence. This silent transmission offers the full depth of that aspect of the System of Being that you’ve just excavated, at a level that is only available in silence. These silent transmissions offer something never before available to Ken’s students: four levels of transmission built on the bedrock of the embodied written word.
- Four levels of transmission in this combination offer you a never before available foundation and support to accelerate your integration and experience of this System of Being that is already within you.
Expand Your Knowledge with Two Dedicated Ask Ken Anything Sessions
- As you’re engaging in the four levels of transmission for each chapter, you’ll be able to ask Ken questions related to that chapter and the material that’s being explored during the interactive virtual workshop sessions.
- Ken will be hosting two bonus “AMA” (ask me anything) sessions during the 19-week Book Study that will give you an opportunity to revisit earlier themes that have developed further, questions related to dynamics that are unfolding as you’re engaging with larger chapter-to-chapter transmission, and anything else that comes up for exploration.
Engage and Experience the System of Being Already Within You and Celebrate How it Expands Into Every Aspect
of Your Body, Mind and Life
- Engage Each Chapter’s Transmission for At Least Two Weeks — So you can fully explore and receive all the gifts that each aspect of the System of Being offers.
- Read the Raw Manuscript and Engage All Four Levels of Transmission Available Only in This Book Study — So you can fully benefit from the most organic and complete expression of this transmission on the System of Being.
Receive the Final, Published Book in Print and Electronically — So you can benefit fully from the most refined expression of this transmission on the System of Being.
19-Week Program Begins on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018 — So you can begin uncovering the System of Being and experiencing the fruits of this process right away!
Join The Raw Manuscript Book Study Now and
Capitalize on This One Time Opportunity to
Explore and Experience The System of
Being at This Depth, LIVE with Ken
Preview Each Chapter and the Introduction
Frequently Asked Questions:
This Book Study Program Includes
- An opportunity for you to go deeper than you ever have before with the nine primary explorations in this book — So you can expand your awareness and support the growth of your consciousness as you embody and integrate the system of being more fully with each step further into the book.
- The complete written transmission as it’s never been offered before — So you can step further into the Mystery for yourself even as you deepen your experience of the unknowable presence that underlies everything else, and is the source of the field that expresses itself through the system of being.
- Virtual workshop/interactive sessions for each chapter of the book with three distinct segments: summary, discussion and questions — to ensure that you can fully engage with all that each aspect of the book has to offer you.
- Independent transmission sessions for each chapter — So you can be fully with the experience that accompanies the current chapter’s theme — thus expanding not only your awareness, but also your experience of this system of being that is already within you.
- There are Three Primary Themes in this Book: The Foundations of Your New System of Being; How to Break Free from the Bondage That Has Held You Back (so You can Experience Your New System of Being); and Experiencing the New System of Being.
- The Exploration of These Three Themes is designed to meet you where you are in consciousness and awareness, and provide you with enough structure that may move further into the Divine Mystery within yourself, even as your awareness of the system of being that supports this process expands and integrates at a deeper level.