Engage · Experience · Expand

Engage · Experience · Expand

Join Author And Spiritual Messenger Kenneth Walter Stone For A Raw Manuscript 19-Week Book Study of His Not-Yet-Published New Book

There is a System of Being that is within each and every human being. This system of being is available independent of beliefs, actions or trauma.

Engaging this System of Being results in an experience of Embodied Resonance the likes of which are quite literally impossible to put into words.

Attempts to describe with words this ineffable experience include: Love without Cause, Beginning or End.

Or The Peace of God that Surpasses All Understanding.

Or A Profound Sense of Connection to Myself and God (is there a difference?).

Or Being Completely Present.

Or The End of Suffering.

It’s as available for you experience as it is for the Dalai Lama, Pope Francis, Eckhart Tolle, or Thich Nhat Hanh–as much as it was for Jesus, the Buddha, Muhammad, for any of the Divine expressions in the Hindu tradition (or any tradition), or any other example of embodied Divinity that has ever lived or is alive today.

Consciousness is the lens through which you interpret and experience everything internally and externally. Awareness is what happens when your consciousness is embodied at a deep enough level that words can be utilized, even though what is being spoken of necessarily can’t be pointed to directly with words.

Ken W. Stone - Spiritual Messenger and Author October 22, 2018

Learn About, Explore, and Experience this Extraordinary System of Being in a Way Never Before Possible

  • Unlock the Byproducts of This System of Being Internally AND Externally

    • When you experience The Peace of God that Surpasses All Understanding … When you experience The End of Suffering, not only is this a profound spiritual experience, but it resonates outward into every aspect of your body, mind and life.
    • Possible side effects of uncovering and experiencing this System of Being include radical physical and emotional healing, greatly improved relationships, and dramatic increases in financial abundance.
    • Plus … it is almost impossible to go deeper into this System of Being without moving into deeper alignment with your soul’s purpose while gaining greater access to your unique spiritual gifts.
  • Engage With the System of Being Step by Step

    • Each of the nine chapters excavates a different aspect of the bedrock upon which the System of Being rests, at a depth and breadth that’s simply never been engaged before. Whereas Ken has taught this system of being in the past, the complete embodied transmission has never been available or committed to paper … until now.
    • The process of writing has opened up a deeper level of intimacy with God for Ken. As a result of this more profound intimacy, Ken’s awareness of and embodiment of this System of Being has expanded exponentially.
    • Now this embodied transmission is available for you to engage and experience in a way never before possible. Not just in the written transmission, for this book study is more than just a reading circle …
  • Explore Each Step of the System of Being On at Least Four Significant Levels

    • You will receive each chapter one week before discussion begins on that chapter, giving you an opportunity to sit with and receive the written form of the transmission.
    • You’ll then gather with the rest of the Book Study Group and participate in a virtual workshop discussion on the current chapter. This will give you an opportunity to clarify, ask questions and receive even more of the transmission around this System of Being, while supporting you in more fully integrating and embodying what’s being uncovered within you.
    • One week later, you’ll gather LIVE once again to receive two transmissions related to each chapter. The first is the exercise that closes each chapter, eventually available for each and every reader to download and listen and experience directly.
    • The second transmission is offered exclusively to members this Book Study Group, and is in silence. This silent transmission offers the full depth of that aspect of the System of Being that you’ve just excavated, at a level that is only available in silence. These silent transmissions offer something never before available to Ken’s students: four levels of transmission built on the bedrock of the embodied written word.
    • Four levels of transmission in this combination offer you a never before available foundation and support to accelerate your integration and experience of this System of Being that is already within you.
  • Expand Your Knowledge with Two Dedicated Ask Ken Anything Sessions

    • As you’re engaging in the four levels of transmission for each chapter, you’ll be able to ask Ken questions related to that chapter and the material that’s being explored during the interactive virtual workshop sessions.
    • Ken will be hosting two bonus “AMA” (ask me anything) sessions during the 19-week Book Study that will give you an opportunity to revisit earlier themes that have developed further, questions related to dynamics that are unfolding as you’re engaging with larger chapter-to-chapter transmission, and anything else that comes up for exploration.

I have been teaching and working with this material for years. What’s been amazing to me, especially over the last four or five months as I’ve been writing, rewriting and receiving new downloads and greater clarity-is that these topics that I thought I understood and knew so well are opening on much deeper level of awareness than they ever have before. This opens a unique invitation deeper into the Mystery for readers of the book. And even more so for those who participate in the book study – for you will be walking with me in space that has never been shared with me by anyone before, other than the Divine.

Ken W Stone - Spiritual Messenger and Author October 22, 2018

Engage and Experience the System of Being Already Within You and Celebrate How it Expands Into Every Aspect of Your Body, Mind and Life

  • Engage Each Chapter’s Transmission for At Least Two Weeks — So you can fully explore and receive all the gifts that each aspect of the System of Being offers.
  • Read the Raw Manuscript and Engage All Four Levels of Transmission Available Only in This Book Study — So you can fully benefit from the most organic and complete expression of this transmission on the System of Being.
  • Receive the Final, Published Book in Print and Electronically — So you can benefit fully from the most refined expression of this transmission on the System of Being.

  • 19-Week Program Begins on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018 — So you can begin uncovering the System of Being and experiencing the fruits of this process right away!

I so believe in your message and of you helping us evolve because obviously the world is in a very strange situation, and we’re in evolution, and the evolution is completely grounded in your understanding of resonance and vibrations. And that’s where the seed of this revolution is coming from.

Dr. Bruce Lipton - Stem Cell Biologist, Best-Selling Author and Goi Peace Award Winner October 24, 2018

I had an incredible one-on-one session with Ken. Ken showed me exactly where I was losing ’embodiment’ with my soul and EXACTLY how I can connect back to full soul connection.

I felt a SHIFT instantly and immediately I came back into center and felt a peace of mind and joy that astounded me! I recommend him to anyone who really feels like ‘something’ is off but with all the spiritual practice still feels like things are not working. He really shifted my awareness in a way that I never realized was possible!

Darius Barazandeh – CEO and Host, You Wealth Revolution October 24, 2018

Join The Raw Manuscript Book Study Now and Capitalize on This One Time Opportunity to Explore and Experience The System of Being at This Depth, LIVE with Ken

Package A – The Book Study – Includes:

  • 19-Week Raw Manuscript Book Study Begins on Tuesday, November 6, 2018
  • At Least Two Weeks On Each of the 9 Chapters, Including Four Levels of Transmission
  • A Secure PDF Copy of the Raw Pre-Published Manuscript – released on a chapter-by-chapter basis one week prior to the scheduled interactive virtual workshop session
  • MP3 Downloadable Recordings of Each Interactive Session as well as Each Transmission Session
  • Two BONUS Q&A “AMA” Sessions (Ask Me Anything – with Ken) including the MP3 Downloadable Recordings
  • A Secure Web Portal (not based on a social media platform) where you can connect with other members of the Book Study Program, share your feedback, ask questions, and deepen the discussion around the book
  • One printed copy – mailed to the billing address you provide with your registration and one electronic copy of the book
  • Formal acknowledgement at the beginning of the book (either your personal name, or anonymous – your choice) as a member of the Book Study Group and for your contributions, suggestions and presence in the birthing of this book

Register Now: Single-Pay of $1,500 or 2-Pay of $800 or 4-Pay of $444

(Paypal Offers 6 Months OAC)

Package B – The Enhanced Book Study – Includes:

  • Everything in Package A … PLUS:
  • Five Private One-On-One Virtual Sessions with Ken by Phone, Skype (voice only) or Webcall (each lasting 50-60 minutes, recorded for your reference)
  • Three of these Sessions Focus on the Three Primary Themes of the Book: Foundations of Your New System of Being; Breaking Free from the Bondage that Has Held You Back (from Your New System of Being); and Experiencing The New System of Being
  • The Other Two Sessions are Wildcard Sessions that can be used to support you in breaking through around overcoming Dissonance or opening to deeper Resonance related to your Gifts or Mission, Relationships, Money, Physical – Emotional – or Spiritual Healing, Deeper Embodiment, or More Powerfully Integrating what’s Unfolding in the Mirror of Your Life with Your Inner Resonance
  • Profoundly Deepen and Expand your experience of the book; Accelerate your embodiment and integration of the System of Being into every aspect of your body, mind, and life with this powerful enhanced book study opportunity
  • Limited to Ten Participants

Register Now: Single-Pay of $5,000

(Paypal Offers 6 Months OAC)

Preview Each Chapter and the Introduction


For whatever words I may have for you—the most important aspect of the gifts God has given me is the ability to support you in having the experience within you of Divine Presence—of Divine Resonance. It’s from this experience that your awareness and understanding of the Truth arise.

Whatever awareness I have, may my gifts support you in deepening your own relationship with yourself and the Divine—and may whatever comes of that support be the most meaningful in your experience and awareness.

It doesn’t seem likely that anything I feel compelled to share with you here is actually new. My motivation for writing comes from a deep drive within me to explore what the Divine is communicating in and through me … as if I have no other option. Perhaps rather than sharing or teaching, I am simply reminding you of some things that you already know, as I am reminding myself of the same.

Chapter 1: What Is Spiritual Mastery?

Spiritual Mastery is one way of describing and uncovering the system of being that is already within every human being. And this system of being supports you in discovering, experiencing, embodying, and integrating who you really are on every level of your body, mind, being, and life.

Resonance is the path to Spiritual Mastery. Once uncovered and experienced, this system of being (that is already within you) opens up a deeper experience of Resonance in every aspect of your being and life. This system of being could also be referred to as a system of healing.

If Personal Mastery is the developmental process for the first part of our journey as human beings, then Spiritual Mastery is the container for developmental process for the second part of our journey as human beings. Though to delineate in this way is to distort the truth, for every part of our experience and development as human beings is an aspect of Spiritual Mastery—whether we are aware of it consciously or not.

Chapter 2: The Illusion of Separation

The illusion of separation is the belief or experience that we are separate from God. Separate from each other. Separate from ourselves.

All human pain and suffering arise from the illusion of separation.

Separation is a fundamental artifact of being a human being. It’s not a mistake that’s been made.

In fact, separation is one of our greatest gifts.

Separation shows up in many different ways from feeling abandoned or forgotten about, to feeling cut off, to feeling as though God is punishing. Cut off from God. Cut off from others. Cut off from ourselves.

Chapter 3: The Four Stages of Consciousness

We all go through different developmental stages as human beings. Initially, following birth we’re not very mobile. Later we crawl, and then we walk. For some time, following birth, we’re not capable of communicating—or at least we don’t communicate using the language of the family we were born into.

Each step in our development as babies, toddlers, teens, or young adults and so on, is experienced differently for each of us, even though there are a specific set of developmental steps we all go through. While there are ranges for how long it might take to do this or that especially as babies or toddlers, each of us goes through whatever we need to, in order to work through the stage of development we’re at as we grow up.

We are becoming who we really are as we work through the psychological, linguistic, and bodily developmental processes as human beings—expressing the various potentials of our genetic and environmental influences.

So, it is with the spiritual journey. The spiritual analogue is consciousness: the dominant perceptual view through which you live, interpret, and experience your life. What’s fascinating is that while we recognize the process of growing up as a developmental process—consciousness is often referred to as an evolutionary process. Is the spiritual journey an evolutionary process?

Chapter 4: The Control Myth

What is the Control Myth?

It’s a belief that with more effort – through greater control – desired outcomes can be accomplished and experienced. It leads to believing or acting as if this statement is true: If it’s going to be – it’s up to me.

In the context of the Four Stages of Consciousness, control – or in the case of Stage One, our lack of control – plays a huge part in our spiritual development and growth as human beings. Our tendency to move towards control is the direct result of experiencing Stage One and Stage Two.

In late Stage One we begin focusing on wresting control away from others. In our exploration of Stage Two, control is explored from the perspective of the Empowered Separate Self – a seemingly endless opportunity to express, project and create life and all of life’s experiences exactly as you want them to be. It’s from this dynamic in Stage Two that the Control Myth originates.

We’ll explore this dynamic in greater depth, and then dismantle the Control Myth as we uncover a way forward that leads to the experience of freedom and liberation that we all seek.

Chapter 5: On Healing

The tension between what is True and what is being experienced can become even more uncomfortable when we turn our attention to the practical circumstances of life. Specifically, whether your body, mind and life are being experienced in Resonance.

It’s one thing to look at the perceptual views associated with the different Stages of Consciousness or the process for letting go of the Control Myth – and quite another when it comes to the pragmatic question of how to restore your health on whatever level (physical, mental, spiritual, relational, financial, etc.).

What are we to do with these essential aspects of our lives? Is this where spirituality and “reality” fail to sync up?

For many people, the answer to this question is a resounding “yes!”

What good does it do if I am a child of God – or an undistorted expression and extension of the Divine – if I’m unable to affect a different experience of health (or any other expression of Resonance: wealth, etc) in my life or the life of someone I love?

Chapter 6: Soul Embodiment and Breaking the Trauma Cycle

Have you ever noticed this?

In your life – or in the life of someone you know – certain disruptive patterns keep showing up.

Everything is going well, but then something happens. Often, it’s not clear what causes the shift – but the pattern that follows is clear and familiar: no longer present – anxious – depressed – obsessed with something that can’t be moved past (or any number of other familiar patterns) – and none of these pattern responses appear to be related.

Not to each other, nor to the circumstances that led to their expression.

Yet there they are – over and over again.

Or perhaps you’ve read an amazing spiritual book – and handed it to a friend singing your praise. Your friend reads and returns it – not wanting to offend you, wondering what the big deal was?

Or you’ve gone to a spiritual retreat or listened to a talk together. Again, one of you thinks it was amazing – the other wonders what the big deal was? Both of you are spiritual and aware – that’s not the issue. The book – the talk – the retreat has a big impact on one – but not on the other.

Or perhaps you’ve known two people who went through the exact same traumatic event and both are in the same Stage of Consciousness. Yet it impacts them in completely different ways. One is unaffected – perhaps you wonder if they’re even dealing with it. Hours or weeks go by and eventually you can tell they fully experienced the traumatic event and they’re completely present and authentic.

The other person has a completely different response. They’re super upset – or shut down. Something big happened for them – but it’s not resolved. Rather than a flooded stream they navigated successfully, they’ve been consumed by the flood and everything has become dysregulated. They are caught in the middle of the stream with no clear way out.

What is this? Why does it happen?

What can be done to resolve this?

Chapter 7: Your Intuitive Guidance System

Have you ever wished for the answers to all of life’s questions – available whenever you request the support?

A compass to point you towards true North – no matter how far off the path you think you may have wandered – no matter how on point you think you are – always there to guide you and ensure that you stay on the most resonant path as you move forward through whatever phase of life is unfolding for you right now.

The compass exists and it’s in you right now. It’s in everyone. The compass I’m talking about is your body – specifically the physical sensations of Divine Resonance that are expressing themselves in, through and as you right now.

Your body is an Intuitive Guidance System, because it contains within it not only the expression but also the experience of Divine guidance.

We’ll explore how these sensations work and you’ll learn how to open to this internal compass, so it can become a meaningful reference and resource for you.

Chapter 8: Living in the Mirror

So far, we’ve focused our exploration exclusively on the inward journey. I’ve proposed that this is the only real opportunity for a meaningful and sustaining shift in perspective. Further I’ve suggested it begins by shifting your experience, and I’ve shared a series of exercises to support you in opening to a different perspective of yourself.

I’ve set out the Four Stages of Consciousness and shown you how the only effective way to integrate each aspect while attending to the developmental milestones and gifts of each Stage is to ultimately turn inward.

Perhaps I’ve made a compelling enough case that this is really the only way forward in your pursuit of a life with less Dissonance and greater Resonance, however you define these terms.

Why then are we focused on the outward once again?

If this system of being that we’re uncovering and exploring together is to be meaningful to all aspects of our experience as human beings, it must eventually support an experience of Resonance in the outer dynamic.

How does this happen?

Chapter 9: The Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery

Now that we’ve explored living life in the mirror, the inevitable question arises: “how can I complete this journey?” For there is a difference between knowing and experiencing.

The answer lies in spiritual practices. But not just any practices – if we are to gain Embodied Knowledge, they must be practices that lead us into the experience of who we really are … of the concert hall and all its extraordinary experiences and expressions within.

What spiritual practices are available to support us in this endeavor?

The Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery hold the answer.

The Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery offer you the same two opportunities you’ve had throughout this volume: to explore with words, to deepen your understanding, and then transition your exploration to direct experience.

However, my focus here in this chapter is not to explain them fully, nor to share the practices with you. Instead, I want impart a vision of what is to come and their role as we bring our time together in this volume to a close and prepare to open for the next: Amplifying Resonance – The Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Each participant will experience something different. This is a function of many obvious things — such as your life to this point, your perspective, the way you’re wired emotionally, and so on. It’s also a function of many things that aren’t so obvious — your current stage of consciousness, the degree of your embodiment and a number of other factors.

This book has been written in a way that is designed to meet you in your present consciousness and awareness, and then support you with each step that you take further into the Divine Mystery. It is both the most advanced written transmission of this awareness (there is a profound energetic transmission that is present well beyond the conventional container of the words) and the most elementary and introductory. Through your participation and feedback, Ken will fine tune these approaches to ensure that the book serves the largest possible eventual readership while also supporting each member of the Book Study Program, including you.

There are no “qualifications” or “conditions” that must be met for joining this Book Study Program. You were born with everything you need — and it’s all inside, right now – no matter what has unfolded in your life to this point.

You can expect to experience exactly what you need right now to support you in moving forward on your journey to experiencing yourself as you actually are. And it’s also best to let go of expectations completely when going into any program or experience with Ken.

If you’re ready to commit to exploring your inner system of being as you never have before – while reading and reflecting and engaging in a Resonant Book Study environment – this program is the perfect next step in your journey.

You’re invited to listen to the replay of The Book Call that Ken hosted on Monday October 29th, 2018 – below. Any details not covered on this page were covered during the call.

Part 1 of the replay is The Book Call. Part 2 is the Q&A that follows, which concludes with the closing lines of the Introduction.

Nothing. This book will meet you in your current consciousness and awareness, and support you in stepping forward into greater awareness and experience of who you really are at every level of your being.

Ken’s editor, Kerrie, has jokingly referred to this book as “not a light read” and that’s exactly right. The book will invite you to engage at whatever depth and breadth you are ready to engage. It will ask something significant of you, and in return, it will offer you a new understanding – and even more meaningful – this book will offer you a deeper and more profound experience of yourself.


Participants are invited to engage with the written materials associated with each chapter prior to actively engaging in the live discussion for the current chapter.


Participants are also asked to treat the book materials as confidential and sacred. This means that all written materials associated with the Book Study Program will be held as private (exclusively for your personal use), not to be distributed, copied, shared or quoted in any way either before or after the publication of the book without prior written consent by Ken personally.


Just not quite yet. This book study program is next step in the birthing process for this volume.

At the suggestion of Nick, a member of our community – Ken is anticipating offering an indiegogo campaign for the book in March or April which would allow for pre-ordering a print or electronic copy of the finished book as well as an opportunity to support the final step in the birthing process (layout and printing).

Once the book study concludes, final editing, layout and printing will follow – and then the book will be available to purchase. The anticipated publishing date for this book is mid-2019.


While this book study is a one-time opportunity to explore the raw manuscript and receive the four levels of transmission per chapter LIVE prior to publication, Ken continues to teach. The Sanctuary (for graduates of Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I or Amplifying Resonance (both available in self-study) is LIVE with Ken nearly every week. The Resonance Community is LIVE once a month. And Ken is anticipating another Resonance Experiment in April or May of 2019 – followed by another LIVE Igniting Resonance circle.

Enrollment for this Book Study Program is closing at Midnight PST (US) on Sunday, November 4th, 2018 to ensure that all participants receive the Introduction and Chapter 1 to read before the first interactive session on these materials, which will take place on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018 beginning at 2p Pacific / 5p Eastern (US).

Enrollment in this Book Study Program is available to anyone, provided participants agree to abide by the Expectations for Participants.

The simple answer is no.

If you’re interested in evaluating Ken’s work for free, you are invited to register for The Resonance Experiment.

If you choose a payment plan option, please ensure that you’re able to comfortably complete your payments as scheduled. This ensures integrity with your needs and resources, while honoring the sacred container of this book study group. To start and complete this process as a group, powerfully supports each individual, the entire group, as well as the eventual readers of this book.

This book study presents a unique opportunity to work with Ken in the final stages of the birthing of his first book. No refunds are offered.

This Book Study Program Includes

  • An opportunity for you to go deeper than you ever have before with the nine primary explorations in this book — So you can expand your awareness and support the growth of your consciousness as you embody and integrate the system of being more fully with each step further into the book.
  • The complete written transmission as it’s never been offered before — So you can step further into the Mystery for yourself even as you deepen your experience of the unknowable presence that underlies everything else, and is the source of the field that expresses itself through the system of being.
  • Virtual workshop/interactive sessions for each chapter of the book with three distinct segments: summary, discussion and questions — to ensure that you can fully engage with all that each aspect of the book has to offer you.
  • Independent transmission sessions for each chapter — So you can be fully with the experience that accompanies the current chapter’s theme — thus expanding not only your awareness, but also your experience of this system of being that is already within you.
  • There are Three Primary Themes in this Book: The Foundations of Your New System of Being; How to Break Free from the Bondage That Has Held You Back (so You can Experience Your New System of Being); and Experiencing the New System of Being.
  • The Exploration of These Three Themes is designed to meet you where you are in consciousness and awareness, and provide you with enough structure that may move further into the Divine Mystery within yourself, even as your awareness of the system of being that supports this process expands and integrates at a deeper level.

Life as I know it was over once I started working with Ken Stone. I’m experiencing my creativity in a way I never have before, I have greater clarity with the next steps in my mission, my energy is high, I don’t feel like drinking (which is a big deal for an Australian) and people are consistently commenting on how bright and energetic I am!

Ken has truly helped me to become the type of leader and messenger that people are inspired to listen to and follow and I highly recommend you work with him too.

Natalie Ledwell Spiritual Messenger, Speaker, Author and Co-Founder of Mind Movies | MindMovies.com August 9, 2018

Ken is one of my secret resources. When I’m in session with Ken I have the deepest spiritual experiences. I remember once even saying to him “if this experience is repeatable — then you are the real deal” and he is the real deal. There are very small number people I’ve spent time with where I feel the presence of the spirit in this way.

Derek Rydall Spiritual Messenger, Speaker and Author | DerekRydall.com June 11, 2018

It’s rare that I experience such deep and ecstatic connection to the divine and the present moment so quickly as I did when I received my first session from Ken. Since then, I have felt much more aligned with the unlimited potential of my life, and things have been flowing to me with ease. Thanks so much Ken.

Rachael Jayne Groover Founder: The Yin Project; Author: Powerful AND Feminine | RachaelJayne.com June 27, 2018

Everything about my life has changed. EVERYTHING!! How I will conduct business, how I’ll lead a workshop, how I can be in public. All the pieces of the puzzles that I’ve been working on for years came together during my session with Ken.

Jan Stringer Spiritual Messenger, Speaker and Author | PerfectCustomers.com June 11, 2018

Ken Stone truly is the Soul Archaeologist. Of all the teachers and various courses that I’ve taken and people that I’ve met in my 60 years He is the first person that I’ve met who has this unique approach and ability to enable a person to tune in and discover their soul and reconnect with their soul.

Lynda Paquette Seward, Alaska June 27, 2018

Join This Book Study and Expand Your Consciousness and Awareness as You More Fully Experience and Integrate the System of Being Already Within You in a Way You Never Imagined Possible

Package A – The Book Study – Includes:

  • 19-Week Raw Manuscript Book Study Begins on Tuesday, November 6, 2018
  • At Least Two Weeks On Each of the 9 Chapters, Including Four Levels of Transmission
  • A Secure PDF Copy of the Raw Pre-Published Manuscript – released on a chapter-by-chapter basis one week prior to the scheduled interactive virtual workshop session
  • MP3 Downloadable Recordings of Each Interactive Session as well as Each Transmission Session
  • Two BONUS Q&A “AMA” Sessions (Ask Me Anything – with Ken) including the MP3 Downloadable Recordings
  • A Secure Web Portal (not based on a social media platform) where you can connect with other members of the Book Study Program, share your feedback, ask questions, and deepen the discussion around the book
  • One printed copy – mailed to the billing address you provide with your registration and one electronic copy of the book
  • Formal acknowledgement at the beginning of the book (either your personal name, or anonymous – your choice) as a member of the Book Study Group and for your contributions, suggestions and presence in the birthing of this book

Register Now: Single-Pay of $1,500 or 2-Pay of $800 or 4-Pay of $444

(Paypal Offers 6 Months OAC)

Package B – The Enhanced Book Study – Includes:

  • Everything in Package A … PLUS:
  • Five Private One-On-One Virtual Sessions with Ken by Phone, Skype (voice only) or Webcall (each lasting 50-60 minutes, recorded for your reference)
  • Three of these Sessions Focus on the Three Primary Themes of the Book: Foundations of Your New System of Being; Breaking Free from the Bondage that Has Held You Back (from Your New System of Being); and Experiencing The New System of Being
  • The Other Two Sessions are Wildcard Sessions that can be used to support you in breaking through around overcoming Dissonance or opening to deeper Resonance related to your Gifts or Mission, Relationships, Money, Physical – Emotional – or Spiritual Healing, Deeper Embodiment, or More Powerfully Integrating what’s Unfolding in the Mirror of Your Life with Your Inner Resonance
  • Profoundly Deepen and Expand your experience of the book; Accelerate your embodiment and integration of the System of Being into every aspect of your body, mind, and life with this powerful enhanced book study opportunity
  • Limited to Ten Participants

Register Now: Single-Pay of $5,000

(Paypal Offers 6 Months OAC)

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