Acceleration From My Heart

Acceleration From My Heart




Ken W Stone

I wrote about this earlier this year – and it’s back! The acceleration curve and all the fun that entails – here to visit us again as we wrap up the second quarter of 2012.

It’s fitting that with the Venus Transit over the last day, and the upcoming Summer Solstice that we’re back in the accelerated and compressed space once again (by compressed I’m talking about the field collapsing – a transformation from the expanded potential to the specific experience/reality).  A year in a week … or is it in a day, LOL!

Here’s what I’m seeing and experiencing:

*** Lots of opportunities for me to own my sh**! Then work on it immediately and transform it into resonance.  Whew this has been F-U-N.  I can think of some clever acronyms … but I’ll stay away from that. 🙂

All joking aside, I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to attend to the dissonance.  Recognizing and acknowledging it isn’t always the most fun, but it’s important and doing this work now will pay big dividends.

*** Creativity abounds.  WOW – I’m seeing this with my private session clients, and I’m living it too.  The more aligned you are right now, the more momentum to your actions – even with little traditional “effort” on your part.

*** Whereas the first two thirds of the quarter felt more like suspended animation, June feels like we’re back to “real time” – it just feels super accelerated given how we’ve been in super slow-mo recently.

This is a very interesting trend and mirrors the first quarter in some ways.  January was all about suspended animation – and things broke out big time in February.  It’s a nice reminder than when you think nothing is happening, you’re likely just not seeing from the perspective of action…yet.

Is any of this showing up for you?  Are you staying active with your daily spiritual practices?  Are you including plenty of integration practice to ensure the fullest experience of resonance?

Be sure you stay with your powerful practices – the work you do now and the resonance you habituate will serve you well in the balance of the year and the transition into 2013.

That’s it for this week..From My Heart.



Ken Stone
“The Soul Archaeologist”
Internationally Recognized Teacher and Healer
Creator of the Transformational Beneath the Sand Process