Chapter Ending Spiritual Exercises

Chapter Ending Spiritual Exercises

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Ken W Stone; spiritual teacher, author, and spiritual healer

Here’s why: when you’re done with the book, there are three different programs which are available to support you in in moving deeper into the material of the book, or taking the next step forward into the structure of Spiritual Mastery.

I’m still fine-tuning how those programs may be offered to you (the book’s not published yet – and there are book studies and readers who are engaged with the book – along with potential agents and publishers, etc.) but no matter how they’re offered, I want to be in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (European Union – more here) and my private policy and terms of service (links below), as well as maintaining absolute integrity and transparency with you, and alignment with my divine mission as I understand it.

Using my online learning platform makes your user experience better than it would be otherwise (and allows me to update the downloads pages with any new material I’d like to share with you) and checking the box ensures the rest! Of course, you’re under no obligation to purchase anything from me.

I make my living teaching and sharing the gifts and structure that God expresses in, through, and as me, if if you’re interested in learning more or engaging at a deeper level I’d like to make that easy for you. You can also unsubscribe at any time utilizing a link at the bottom of any email you receive from me.

Thanks for reading the book and for taking the next step into the experience of the embodied Divine Mystery within.

It’s an honor to walk with you in this way.

You’ll receive your login credentials in the next few minutes and then I’ll join you inside the exercises that follow.

In God’s Presence and Love, Further Into the Mystery – All the More Extraordinary with You!


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Beneath the Sand, Inc. (Ken’s company) and The Resonance Institute (Ken’s online learning platform) will use the information you provide on this form to share the information you’ve requested to your email inbox along with additional updates and marketing. Click the box below to allow us to email you.

You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at [email protected]. We will treat your information with respect, never selling, renting, or giving your contact information to any other business or individual. For more information about our privacy practices and terms of service please visit our website. By clicking below, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms.

I so believe in your message and of you helping us evolve because obviously the world is in a very strange situation, and we’re in evolution, and the evolution is completely grounded in your understanding of resonance and vibrations. And that’s where the seed of this revolution is coming from.

Dr. Bruce Lipton - Stem Cell Biologist, Best-Selling Author and Goi Peace Award Winner October 24, 2018

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I had an incredible one-on-one session with Ken. Ken showed me exactly where I was losing ’embodiment’ with my soul and EXACTLY how I can connect back to full soul connection.

I felt a SHIFT instantly and immediately I came back into center and felt a peace of mind and joy that astounded me! I recommend him to anyone who really feels like ‘something’ is off but with all the spiritual practice still feels like things are not working. He really shifted my awareness in a way that I never realized was possible!

Darius Barazandeh – CEO and Host, You Wealth Revolution October 24, 2018

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It’s rare that I experience such deep and ecstatic connection to the divine and the present moment so quickly as I did when I received my first session from Ken. Since then, I have felt much more aligned with the unlimited potential of my life, and things have been flowing to me with ease. Thanks so much Ken.

Rachael Jayne Groover Founder: The Yin Project; Author: Powerful AND Feminine | June 27, 2018

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Everything about my life has changed. EVERYTHING!! How I will conduct business, how I’ll lead a workshop, how I can be in public. All the pieces of the puzzles that I’ve been working on for years came together during my session with Ken.

Jan Stringer Spiritual Messenger, Speaker and Author | June 11, 2018

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Ken is one of my secret resources. When I’m in session with Ken I have the deepest spiritual experiences. I remember once even saying to him “if this experience is repeatable — then you are the real deal” and he is the real deal. There are very small number people I’ve spent time with where I feel the presence of the spirit in this way.

Derek Rydall Spiritual Messenger, Speaker and Author | June 11, 2018

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Ken Stone truly is the Soul Archaeologist. Of all the teachers and various courses that I’ve taken and people that I’ve met in my 60 years He is the first person that I’ve met who has this unique approach and ability to enable a person to tune in and discover their soul and reconnect with their soul.

Lynda Paquette Seward, Alaska June 27, 2018

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