Chapter Ending Spiritual Exercises
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Chapter Ending Spiritual Exercises for
Resonance: The Path of Spiritual Mastery
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Here’s why: when you’re done with the book, there are three different programs which are available to support you in in moving deeper into the material of the book, or taking the next step forward into the structure of Spiritual Mastery.
I’m still fine-tuning how those programs may be offered to you (the book’s not published yet – and there are book studies and readers who are engaged with the book – along with potential agents and publishers, etc.) but no matter how they’re offered, I want to be in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (European Union – more here) and my private policy and terms of service (links below), as well as maintaining absolute integrity and transparency with you, and alignment with my divine mission as I understand it.
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I make my living teaching and sharing the gifts and structure that God expresses in, through, and as me, if if you’re interested in learning more or engaging at a deeper level I’d like to make that easy for you. You can also unsubscribe at any time utilizing a link at the bottom of any email you receive from me.
Thanks for reading the book and for taking the next step into the experience of the embodied Divine Mystery within.
It’s an honor to walk with you in this way.
You’ll receive your login credentials in the next few minutes and then I’ll join you inside the exercises that follow.
In God’s Presence and Love, Further Into the Mystery – All the More Extraordinary with You!