Special Offer – ISM – Final Chance

Ready for the Next Step?

A Signature Program to Support You Deeper into Embodied Resonance…

Introduction to Spiritual Mastery

  • Finally begin to quiet your mind without any mental gymnastics (even if you’ve never been successful before).
  • Shift from a fear and limitation based focus, and begin living from an expanded, love-filled perspective.
  • Go “in deep” to the space where there are no words only a direct experience that washes over you and draw you in deeper and deeper. Even if you’ve never meditated before or aren’t an advanced meditator.
  • Begin moving from knowledge to experience – and finally close the gap between what you know is possible and what you’re actually experiencing every day.
  • Open to a profound perspective previously only available to yogis and other spiritual masters – so you can begin living a deeply satisfying life, every day.
  • This Program is the Foundation for Igniting Resonance

Regular Price: $497

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70% Off This Powerful Program

Get Introduction to Spiritual Mastery for $147

Listening to Ken’s Introduction to Spiritual Mastery course has been a WONDERFUL experience. This presentation is amazing. Ken is inspiring. Deeply Authentic. It’s the best condensed teaching on spirituality I’ve ever heard. PLEASE keep offering this program.

Linda Nichols Missouri June 27, 2018

Results Are Not Guaranteed And May Vary — Please See FTC Disclaimer Here

I honor Ken Stone’s work. Through his Divine Connecting Breath meditations and Beneath the Sand recordings, I have found the deepest part of me; the most beautiful part – the part I kept looking for out there. I have “relocated” that which I seek; the alignment and connection I knew in my heart I could have each and everyday, no matter what is happening around me. Well I found it – thanks, Ken.

Rose Englund Maryland July 16, 2018

Results Are Not Guaranteed And May Vary — Please See FTC Disclaimer Here

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Introduction to Spiritual Mastery

Get This Program For Just $147

Introduction to Spiritual Mastery Is…

The original self-study program where everyone starts when beginning the deep dive that is available when you work with Ken W Stone “The Soul Archaeologist”.

This program includes Nine powerful teachings about the essential aspects of what Ken calls “Spiritual Mastery” — or what we could call practical or functional enlightenment or complete integration. This introduction program contains the bedrock upon which the Foundations (practices) of Spiritual Mastery are built.

Understand what has been, perhaps, so close to your awareness for so long — yet at the same time, so illusive:

  • What is healing?
  • What is necessary to come into a deep state of alignment with source?
  • What is Embodied Resonance — and does does it feel like to begin to experience one of the most powerful feeling states that is available to human beings.
  • How to close the gap between spiritual knowledge and the experiences that could be flowing from the knowledge you already have.

…and much more!

Here’s What’s Included:

Session #1: Spiritual Mastery and the Pathways to Spiritual Mastery

This class is focused on exploring Spiritual Mastery and the many paths to experiencing Spiritual Mastery in your life. The transmission is focused around a guided process so you can begin to experiencing and practicing one of the key elements of Spiritual Mastery immediately.

Session #2: The Illusion of Separation — The Illusion of Control

Exploring the illusion is essential — not only for understanding all human behavior — but also in understanding our own behavior and motivation. Learn how the Illusion of Separation is a profound gift in your spiritual journey, which opens up the deepest spiritual experiences available to anyone in any state of being. Then step into transmission and begin to experience the illusion melting away.

Session #3: The Four Stages of Consciousness

This is an important context for not only understanding what’s coming up with you — but also where other people are interacting from or teaching from. This is an essential framework around perceptual view that will serve you not only now — but for the rest of your life.

Session #4: The Control Myth

We believe that with more effort around control things will turn out more the way we want them to — but there’s something going on underneath — a truth not often uncovered until much later in the spiritual journey. Yet it is available for you now if you are ready.

Session #5: On Healing

Explore the mechanisms of healing as you understand not only the cosmology of what’s going on in your body and why — but also, with an important shift in perspective, healing becomes the by-product of a far more important focus that will serve you beyond resonance in your physical body or mind.

Session #6: Embodiment

Explore this essential topic as you understand not only the trauma cycle, how you can become trapped by this process, and how to break the trauma cycle. Also learn about the cycle of resonance, and how to shift your life from responding and reacting to deeper experiences and exploration of your true self that naturally lead to even deeper experiences of resonance.

Session #7: Your Intuitive Guidance System (IGS)

Your IGS is how you can “listen” to how the Divine is communicating with you through your body. This is a huge resource that is always with you — even now. Get to a deeper awareness and experience of your Intuitive Guidance System — and then put it to work in your life!!

Session #8: Living in the Mirror

Move from a theoretical discussion about Spiritual Mastery to practical applications and experiences in your life.

Session #9: The Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery

An introduction to Embodiment, Calling Your Power Home, Piercing Separation, Beneath the Sand, Throwing Out the Map, and Keep Digging. These are the essential practices from moving more fully from understanding to experiencing and integrating Spiritual Mastery in your life.

Learn More about Introduction to Spiritual Mastery Here

This Course Contains:

  • 9 classes over 4 weeks in an online self-study format
  • Each class includes teaching + transmission
  • MP3 download of each session
  • Online forum with Q&A
  • Immediate access when you enroll

The Spiritual Master you seek is within you. Now it’s time to meet and begin learning from your Inner Master!

Ken W. Stone

Divine Transmission is a process of witnessing what is already within you. Seeing and being fully present to who you really are … it’s a process that creates a space for you to experience yourself for who you really are in a variety of different ways.

It’s a process that’s been described as “faster than anything I’ve ever experienced” by a thousands of people from around the world with different backgrounds, beliefs. No matter your age or beliefs the essence of who you are is available for you to experience right now.

Whether “live” as it happens in person or at distance, or by recording, a Divine Transmission is always LIVE for you as you encounter it – for time and space are an illusion, and the Divine within is always waiting to more fully erupt into your experience.

Ken W. Stone

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Introduction to Spiritual Mastery

Get This Program For Just $147

Enroll Now and Receive…

Introduction to Spiritual Mastery

This 9-session 30-day self-study virtual program includes Nine powerful teachings about the essential aspects of what Ken calls “Spiritual Mastery” — or what we could call practical or functional enlightenment or complete integration. This introduction program contains the bedrock upon which the Foundations (practices) of Spiritual Mastery are built.

Save 70% and Get This Powerful Program to Support You in Accelerating into One of the Most Powerful Feeling States You Can Experience:

Enroll Now!

Introduction to Spiritual Mastery

Get This Program For Just $147

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