The Resonance Experience Retreat

The Resonance Experience Retreat

Embody Your Soul, Experience Your Wholeness, and Open to Complete Resonance

There is a profound transformation of consciousness taking place on the planet right now. Fundamentally, it’s a shift from control to letting go of control.

Having celebrated and explored the mind based empowerment of intentions and manifestation we are now discovering the limitations that come with this approach.

Even when I’m able to manifest what I desire, underneath, I’m still unhappy, unfulfilled, and empty.

No matter how much you acquire or do, you can’t seem to find the outer salve for your inner discomfort.

From this frustration a new perspective is opening up all around the planet. A shift from mind based control to reunion with your soul and the Divine. Rather than approaching life in separation, we’re moving towards union; from controlling consciousness to conduit consciousness.

A New Perspective:
Complete Resonance and Freedom

This shift results in complete liberation – freedom from a fear-based life trying to avoid undesirable outcomes by exerting control; instead living life in deep resonance in union with your soul.

It is the pathway of finally experiencing Divine Resonance in your life. This is the pathway of finally discovering within you that which you have been seeking outside yourself.

This revolution impacts every aspect of your life, for all aspects of the mirror (the body, mind, relationships, money, etc) are reflections of your deep inner experience of reunion with your soul and the Divine.

While we have explored what our minds are capable of, we are just beginning to explore what happens when we reunite with the soul and the Divine Resonance that results.

How Can You Experience Your Resonance?

There are three steps to experiencing reunion with your soul:

First: Embody Your Soul

Your soul is the pathway and vessel through which you encounter and experience the Divine. As such, your soul is the animating energy for your existence – including your body and your mind. Your soul not only animates, it transmutes. In fact your embodied soul is the most powerful transmuting presence in your being and your life.

When you bring you soul back home into your body, symptoms of anxiety and depression fade away. Anger melts away. The repeated revisiting of earlier traumas, triggers, and disembodied symptoms is finally transmuted and the deeper experience of spontaneous and sustaining joy and peace erupt where before there was only noise and dissonance.

For many the simple act of embodying the soul results in a mystical experience – a direct, visceral experience of the Divine. Yes the mind is present, but the experience arises from the body and the depth of your being. It’s an experience that arises before thoughts or beliefs begin to color perception.

Second: Experience Your Wholeness

Your soul is the power plant through which God makes the experience of wholeness available to your body, your mind, and to all other aspects of you. To see and experience yourself as whole, is to begin to crack open to the true experience of yourself and the Divine Resonance that is expressing through you, as you.

As powerful as it is to try to use words to describe the ineffable, there is no substitute for the actual experience. It’s like trying to use words to describe what its like to watch your child being born or what it feels like to ride a bike for the first time.

Except your wholeness is the visceral experience of who you really are – rather than just one aspect of an experience that is available to you.

Third: Let Go of Control Completely

Your mind thinks it has all the answers and loves try to control as much as possible by focusing on outcomes, by holding intentions, and myriad other approaches to control. Your soul is the actual conduit through which you receive the guidance and resources to support you throughout every aspect of your life.

Here’s the challenge – as long as your mind is holding onto control, your soul is sidelined, left to work through indirect effort and influence. Whereas when you let go of control – a conscious choice made by your mind – you open up to an experience of the Divine in your life in a way you literally can’t imagine.

Surrender is what follows from the realization that you don’t have all the answers – that there must be a design beyond your comprehension waiting to express. As long as you maintain the tight grip of control on your life, that design can’t express. But when you surrender, you are swept away in a river of resonance beyond your ability to conceive.

Are You Ready to Take the Next Step, and Experience Your Resonance?

These three steps to Experiencing Resonance each contain profound gifts of experience and awareness – and together they offer you a powerful way to move forward on your spiritual journey.

  • So you can move to a deeper experience of your true nature as a Divine conduit – a vessel through which Divine Resonance is embodied and expresses in the world.

There are lots of ways to do the work around these three steps. I’ve discovered that one of the most amazing ways to do the work is a combination of virtual support (so you can do the work from the comfort of your home) and a live event where we get together in person with a wonderful group of people from around the world. But sometimes getting together in person isn’t possible because of health challenges or a busy schedule – and sometimes the cost of traveling is too much to make a retreat a viable option.

  • After a couple of emails and calls that really brought home the reality of these factors to me over the last week, I have decided to offer you the option of participating in the retreat through the recordings rather than making this an attend-only event. For a number of different pragmatic and energetic reasons the only way to participate in the experience will be through these recordings – or by attending in person. There will be no webcast option available.

Take advantage of this unique, limited time opportunity to get your copy of the recordings from the Resonance Experience. The retreat promises to be three solid days of deep exploration through teaching, discussion, and Divine Transmissions. Through these recordings, you’ll have an opportunity to share in these experiences and awareness.

This experience will be unlike any you’ve ever had before – for we will not only be exploring powerful concepts through the three days – you’ll be anchoring each concept and perspective that I share with you with an experience (Divine Transmission) so you can integrate it into your own awareness and perspective.

  • So you can sustain the transformation of the retreat recordings, into a new experience of your day-to-day life and begin living each aspect of your life more fully in Divine Resonance.

If you’re ready for a new approach to experiencing Divine Resonance that sustains into every aspect of your life (and are unable to travel to the retreat), the Resonance Experience Recordings are for you!

It’s Time to Experience Your Resonance!

  • You’ll join with everyone who will be attending this event virtually for private pre- and post-event webcast sessions to further support you in coming into resonance ahead receiving the recordings – and then maintaining, expanding, and integrating resonance following the event.
  • You’ll complete Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I (my online self study course that includes all the primary practices I utilize, teach and facilitate in my private practice) prior to receiving the recordings. This ensures that everyone who participates in the event has done at least that level of deep inner spiritual work, is comfortable sitting in deep meditation/session – and is ready to do some advanced work to really move from stage 2 (control) into stage 3 (conduit) consciousness!
  • Each day’s recordings will be focused on one of the steps in Resonance – with focused teaching, sessions, and Q&A time throughout the day to ensure that you learn, experience, and integrate each aspect of the Resonance Experience.
  • Just because you’re not able to join us in person doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the extra resources – so you’ll also receive these additional resources to support you on your spiritual journey …

Here’s the Summary of What’s Included with Your Resonance Experience Recordings:

  • The recordings of all three days of The Resonance Experience.
  • Transform your life from constantly encountering the limitations of stage 2 consciousness so you can celebrate and enjoy your life in stage 3!
  • Reunite with your soul and experience every aspect of your life in deep Divine Resonance.
  • Deeply connect with your soul, yourself, and the Divine over three powerful days of spiritual learning, exploration, and experience through these recordings!

PLUS, 3 ADDITIONAL Resources to Support You in Preparing Before and Integrating After:

  • Complimentary enrollment in my online self-study program Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I. ($497) This program includes 12 live, virtual weekly sessions following the online self-study portion. So you’ll have a powerful introduction to the concepts and experience we’ll be diving deeper with during the recordings – along with significant ongoing support so you can fully integrate not only the course, but also the retreat.
  • A pre-event virtual private group session so we can begin to resonate deeply as a group prior to being together in mid September. ($334) (limited only to attendees, you and others participating through the recordings). We’ll also gather post-event for another virtual private group session so you can receive additional specific support in integrating the Resonance Experience.


  • A 45–60 minute private session with me! ($1,500) This private session ensures you get the focus and attention you need to complete your Resonance Experience. Your session will take place by phone or Skype (voice only) so you can have a recording. Scheduling your session is limited to those who have completed Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I, and by my calendar and availability.

Additional Logistics:

  • These MP3s will be available to you via secure download.
  • While every effort is made to faithfully capture what is happening in the room on the recording, there may be comments or feedback that isn’t clear or that are simply not present on the recordings.

Divine Resonance Leads to Experiences Of:

  • A profound sense of connection to self and the Divine.
  • Deep inner joy and peace.
  • All aspects of life touched by grace.

The Resonance Experience Retreat

Value: $3,831

(Three-Day Retreat Recordings: $1,500, Plus Additional Resources)

It’s sure to be an extraordinary experience for everyone.

Are you ready?

Get Your Copy of the Resonance Experience Retreat Recordings Now.

Get the Recordings + Foundations + a Private Session


Reflections About Earlier Retreats

The collective consciousness of the people that Ken attracts is extremely high. The things that were discussed the things that were shared were very powerful and impactful probably three things that I can take away from this event and apply to my personal life to make a meaningful difference in how I feel about the world, about my work, about my family in order to be much more effective and connected in the areas of my life that are important for me to make a difference. I highly recommend coming to any of Ken’s events.

Ray Adler San Diego, California June 27, 2018

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Ken Stone truly is the Soul Archaeologist. Of all the teachers and various courses that I’ve taken and people that I’ve met in my 60 years He is the first person that I’ve met who has this unique approach and ability to enable a person to tune in and discover their soul and reconnect with their soul.

Lynda Paquette Seward, Alaska June 27, 2018

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It’s been just amazing. Ken was a fantastic facilitator – he opened up the space and held it for everyone to drop in deep and really get a deeper understanding of where they love operating really and where they love playing.

Louise Moriarty Tugun, Australia June 27, 2018

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I’ve done retreats, I’ve led retreats, I’ve been to other events, but Ken’s was the purest form that I’ve ever been invited into – it was a safe space for everyone to be with themselves and to be with one another. I would invite you to work with Ken to come to any of his events and know that you’ll be safe.

Barbara Brown Lake Dallas, Texas June 27, 2018

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In Ken’s beautiful style he allowed us to really unfold in a way we could not have imagined.

Gina Abrams Short Hills, New Jersey June 27, 2018

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I LOVE these practices! I’ve always been critical of my body and focusing on what’s wrong with it instead of what’s right. But by the end of this course I was holding my body (energetically) with the same kind of love and affection that you feel when you’re holding a small baby. It felt so peaceful. And ever since then, my criticizing of my body has stopped. Another lifetime (or longer) problem wiped out by Foundations of Spiritual Mastery! The problems just keep falling away, one after the other.

Kathryn Griffith Texas June 11, 2018

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Reflections About Ken’s Work

Everything about my life has changed. EVERYTHING!! How I will conduct business, how I’ll lead a workshop, how I can be in public. All the pieces of the puzzles that I’ve been working on for years came together during my session with Ken.

Jan Stringer Spiritual Messenger, Speaker and Author | June 11, 2018

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My work with Ken Stone has involved some of the most powerful healing work I’ve ever experienced. In addition to feeling more present in my body and my life, I am experiencing more ease, clarity, and grace. The pieces of the puzzle are joyously manifesting faster than ever before and I have a new curiosity for what will happen next! Life has become an exciting adventure as I experience deeper trust in myself and God.

Plus, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I earned my fastest and most joyous six figures in the first few weeks I worked with Ken. Things shifted on so many levels.

Christine Kloser Spiritual Messenger, Coach, and Author | June 27, 2018

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Ken has one of the most beautiful and gentle souls I’ve ever known. He is like a master tuner of fine instruments with ability to energetically touch the physical, spiritual, and energetic bodies and re-tune them to the Divine perfection that they are meant to naturally be.

Rachael Jayne Groover Founder: The Yin Project; Author: Powerful AND Feminine June 27, 2018

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About Ken

Ken W Stone; spiritual teacher, author, and spiritual healer

Ken W Stone, “The Soul Archaeologist” is a spiritual teacher, healer, and founder and facilitator of The Resonance Experiment. He is the author of the forthcoming book Resonance: The Path of Spiritual Mastery.

God expresses through Ken in a unique way: when people sit with him in transmission, they have a profoundly different experience of the Divine in their body. For example, he has worked with a number of advanced former students of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who each said, following their initial session with him, “that was the deepest spiritual experience of my life.”

Ken has interviewed some of the foremost spiritual leaders of our time as part of The Resonance Experiment, including Father Thomas Keating, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Dr. Joe Vitale, Lynne McTaggart, and Academy Award winning producer and author, Barnet Bain, with each conversation sparking new insights on the meaning and role of resonance in our lives.

Goi Peace Award winner, author, and biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton in his Resonance Experiment interview, said about Ken:

“I so believe in your message and of you helping us evolve because obviously the world is in a very strange situation, and we’re in evolution, and the evolution is completely grounded in your understanding of resonance and vibrations. And that’s where the seed of this revolution is coming from.”

Ken shares his gifts with a spiritually diverse, growing international audience through a variety of virtual and in person programs, retreats and one-on-one and small group advanced spiritual mentoring.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life?

The Resonance Experience Retreat

Value: $3,831

(Three-Day Retreat Recordings: $1,500, Plus Additional Resources)

It’s sure to be an extraordinary experience for everyone.

Are you ready?

Get Your Copy of the Resonance Experience Retreat Recordings Now.

Get the Recordings + Foundations + a Private Session
