Amplifying Resonance Self-Study December 2017 Very Special Offer

Take the Next Step Into Deeper Resonance

Experience the Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery

You’ve completed Igniting Resonance and, in the process, explored and experienced the 8 core tenants of the structure of Spiritual Mastery. Now you have an opportunity to take your experience of Resonance to a different level and support its integration throughout all aspects of your inner and outer being.

The key in your journey into deeper Resonance in every aspect of your inner and outer life are the six practices of Spiritual Mastery, which pick up where Igniting Resonance concludes (with Living in the Mirror).

Take a deeper dive into Embodiment with the first practice of Spiritual Mastery and amplify the transmutation process as you begin stepping out of the trauma cycle, and into the cycle of resonance.

Call Your Power Home with the second practice of Spiritual Mastery and reclaim all that you gave away because of circumstance or relationship in Victim Consciousness as you reclaim your true power through the integration of Manifestor Consciousness.

Pierce Separation with the third practice of Spiritual Mastery and lift the veil on the greatest challenge and opportunity for wholesale transformation in your life and spiritual journey to this point.

Experience the Visceral Practice of Wholeness through the fourth practice of Spiritual Mastery and open to an experience of yourself on every level of your inner being that quite possibly has never entered into your awareness, much less blossomed inside the physical vessel and expression of your body and mind.

Explore the Journey to Complete Freedom and Liberation through the fifth practice of Spiritual Mastery and tear down what remains of the illusion while releasing control that you may full experience and express your complete divine potential in each and every sacred and holy moment of your life.

Support All Experiences and Expressions of the truth of who you really are through the sixth practice of Spiritual Mastery and integrate the Divine Resonance that is the container that holds the field, and every expression of consciousness within it, and within you and your life.

You Are Here, Reading These Words, Because You Are
Ready to Take the Next Step And Amplify Resonance Into Every Aspect of Your Being and Life

Make the Shift with Amplifying Resonance:

  • 12 Weekly Classes: So You Can Learn About the Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery . . . For A Deeper Awareness of Resonance
  • 12 Weekly Transmissions: So You Can Encounter the Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery . . . For A Deeper Experience of Resonance
  • 15 Q&A Sessions (one for each weekly session plus 3 Bonus Marathon Sessions) . . . For A Deeper Exploration of Your Understanding of Resonance
  • Bonus Class, Transmission, and Q&A on the Drama Triangle . . . Avoid the Trap of Falling Back into Victim Consciousness
  • Bonus #1: 12 LIVE Weekly Transmissions in The Sanctuary with Ken . . . Deepen Your Practice and Integrate Resonance Into Every Aspect of Your Life
  • Bonus #2: Stream the Contents of 2 DVD’s: A Journey Into Healing and A Divine Transmission . . . So You Can Be Supported and Inspired in Your Journey as a Spiritual Messenger

The challenge foremost in most seekers’ lives is: “How can I have a direct, sustaining mystical experience in my life?”

This question is amplified by the myriad spiritual programs, workshops, and books which address the question from three distinct perspectives:

  • The extensive body of personal mastery literature has thoroughly explored the practical application of intention and other control-based metaphysics. Yet the glass ceiling of these approaches has left seekers hungry for a sustaining spiritual solution to one of the foundational questions and challenges associated with the human condition: how are we to move beyond our apparent limitations to realize our full potential?
  • The canon of books focused on mindfulness and other integrated spiritual practices delivers an essential passageway for transcending the boundaries of the separate self, as well as the self-interested limits of personal mastery. Yet as powerful and essential as these resources are in our spiritual development, they stop short of the mystical experiences that are the true desire of every seeker.
  • Mystics offer written transmission of their personal experiences, and share awareness through poetry, allegory, or parable; but it is rare to find a road map and structure which takes the reader by the hand and guides them to a direct encounter with God.

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.

Joseph Campbell

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.

Albert Einstein

We Live in the Thinly Veiled Illusion of Free Will.

Thomas Keating

Amplify the Experience of Divine Presence and Accelerate Meaning, Fulfillment, and Purpose in All Aspects of Your Life

Everything you’ve done in your spiritual journey has brought you to this point. Your deep work that brought you to an exploration of resonance was essential. Your engagement with Igniting Resonance, foundational for shifting from a dissonance resolution focused life in separation, to a resonance deepening focus moving into wholeness.

You know that spiritual practices are an essential focus and you also know that the practices must bring you to a deeper experience of who you really are rather than moving you further into separation.

Amplifying Resonance picks up where Igniting Resonance left off in its exploration of the structure of Spiritual Mastery.

You’ll learn and experience the six practices of Spiritual Mastery. Eventually the uncommon or unavailable mystical experiences you most seek, will become accessible and consistent, because you have opened the doorway to experiencing yourself as you really are in each and every sacred moment of your life.

Explore deep within your being, your innate wholeness and the fully embodied Divine – as you move deeper in the experiences of Divine Resonance that are you true nature on every level of your being and life. With the six foundational practices of Spiritual Mastery you have an experiential roadmap for moving further into the Divine Mystery – that all structure eventually melt away, and all that remains is your pure brilliant, undistorted Divine light, fully integrated, embodied and expressed. Amplify Resonance – and Live Your Life as/in the Truth of Your Divine Expression!

Are You Ready to Experience All of You in Resonance?

Register Now for Amplifying Resonance:

  • 12 Weekly Classes: So You Can Learn About the Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery . . . For A Deeper Awareness of Resonance
  • 12 Weekly Transmissions: So You Can Encounter the Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery . . . For A Deeper Experience of Resonance
  • 15 Q&A Sessions (one for each weekly session plus 3 Bonus Marathon Sessions) . . . For A Deeper Exploration of Your Understanding of Resonance
  • Bonus Class, Transmission, and Q&A on the Drama Triangle . . . Avoid the Trap of Falling Back into Victim Consciousness
  • Bonus #1: 12 LIVE Weekly Transmissions in The Sanctuary with Ken . . . Deepen Your Practice and Integrate Resonance Into Every Aspect of Your Life
  • Bonus #2: Stream the Contents of 2 DVD’s: A Journey Into Healing and A Divine Transmission . . . So You Can Be Supported and Inspired in Your Journey as a Spiritual Messenger
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Total Value of This Program = $1,665

Regular Price: $829

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3 Payments of $122

Ken W. Stone – Creator of the Amplifying Resonance Program

Ken W Stone; spiritual teacher, author, and spiritual healer

Ken, known as “The Soul Archaeologist” is a spiritual teacher, healer and founder of The Resonance Institute, as well as the Creator and Facilitator of The Resonance Experiment. He is author of the forthcoming book Resonance: The Path of Spiritual Mastery

God expresses through Ken in a unique way: when people sit with him in transmission, they have a profoundly different experience of the Divine in their body. For example, he has worked with a number of advanced former students of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who each said, following their initial session with him, “that was the deepest spiritual experience of my life.”

Amplifying Resonance is the foundation of Spiritual Mastery and core of Ken’s teachings. It is, perhaps the most comprehensive available set of practices for supporting the deeper experience and integration of Resonance into every aspect of one’s life.

Ken continues to explore and teach the practices of Spiritual Mastery and the framework of Amplifying Resonance to ensure a sound and effective experience that is uniquely tailored to the needs of each student. While these practices have been proven effective over and over again, as Ken says, “the Divine Mystery is always more fully revealing itself in, through, and as each of us.”

Reflections About Ken’s Work

I had an incredible one-on-one session with Ken. Ken showed me exactly where I was losing ’embodiment’ with my soul and EXACTLY how I can connect back to full soul connection.

I felt a SHIFT instantly and immediately I came back into center and felt a peace of mind and joy that astounded me! I recommend him to anyone who really feels like ‘something’ is off but with all the spiritual practice still feels like things are not working. He really shifted my awareness in a way that I never realized was possible!

Darius Barazandeh – CEO and Host, You Wealth Revolution October 24, 2018

Results Are Not Guaranteed And May Vary — Please See FTC Disclaimer Here

My work with Ken Stone has involved some of the most powerful healing work I’ve ever experienced. In addition to feeling more present in my body and my life, I am experiencing more ease, clarity, and grace. The pieces of the puzzle are joyously manifesting faster than ever before and I have a new curiosity for what will happen next! Life has become an exciting adventure as I experience deeper trust in myself and God.

Plus, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I earned my fastest and most joyous six figures in the first few weeks I worked with Ken. Things shifted on so many levels.

Christine Kloser Spiritual Messenger, Coach, and Author | June 27, 2018

Results Are Not Guaranteed And May Vary — Please See FTC Disclaimer Here

It’s rare that I experience such deep and ecstatic connection to the divine and the present moment so quickly as I did when I received my first session from Ken. Since then, I have felt much more aligned with the unlimited potential of my life, and things have been flowing to me with ease. Thanks so much Ken.

Rachael Jayne Groover Founder: The Yin Project; Author: Powerful AND Feminine | June 27, 2018

Results Are Not Guaranteed And May Vary — Please See FTC Disclaimer Here

Ken is one of my secret resources. When I’m in session with Ken I have the deepest spiritual experiences. I remember once even saying to him “if this experience is repeatable — then you are the real deal” and he is the real deal. There are very small number people I’ve spent time with where I feel the presence of the spirit in this way.

Derek Rydall Spiritual Messenger, Speaker and Author | June 11, 2018

Results Are Not Guaranteed And May Vary — Please See FTC Disclaimer Here

Everything about my life has changed. EVERYTHING!! How I will conduct business, how I’ll lead a workshop, how I can be in public. All the pieces of the puzzles that I’ve been working on for years came together during my session with Ken.

Jan Stringer Spiritual Messenger, Speaker and Author | June 11, 2018

Results Are Not Guaranteed And May Vary — Please See FTC Disclaimer Here

Ken has truly helped me to become the type of leader and messenger that people are inspired to listen to and follow and I highly recommend you work with him too.

Natalie Ledwell Spiritual Messenger, Speaker, Author and Co-Founder of Mind Movies | June 27, 2018

Results Are Not Guaranteed And May Vary — Please See FTC Disclaimer Here

Week 1 & 2: Deeper Into Soul Embodiment

You’ve already learned about soul embodiment in Igniting Resonance. Now more fully explore and experience soul embodiment as you engage with the process of transmuting trauma and breaking the trauma cycle on an even deeper level in the first week. Shift from transmuting the surface level dissonance of the challenges that have dominated your spiritual work, to exploring the deeper traumas and wounds that were once hidden below.

In the second week you’ll learn about and explore how embodiment eventually shifts from a practice focused on attending to dissonance to a practice which supports a more complete and profound experience of resonance, and with this shift come the cycle of resonance!

  • The most essential of the six practices of spiritual mastery and the only experiential practice that sustains in all stages of consciousness
  • Two consolidated embodiment practices to support your work now, and for decades to come
  • Embodiment as a practice for transmuting the dissonance as well as diving deeper into resonance

Week 3: The Drama Triangle

Concurrent with your embodiment is the enlivenment of everything you are not, including all aspects of your ostensibly separate self which have not yet integrated. Including that part of the disempowered separate self which is focused on discovering power over others, in late Victim Consciousness, the drama triangle.

So named by Dr. Stephen Karpman, the drama triangle represents such a common element of our developmental journey, it’s nearly an archetypical component of the human dynamic in separation. Played out in our lives, and on the big and small screens of movies and television, the drama triangle can be a seductive call if we haven’t yet integrated this aspect of what can become addicted to the drama of separation in each of us.

  • Learn the drama triangle and parts played all participants each and every time this game is played
  • Understand the role of the drama triangle in the developmental journey in consciousness
  • Go deep in transmission and transmute all the noise that keeps the siren song of the disempowered separate self playing

Week 4: The Second Practice – Calling Home Your Power

Once you have more fully embodied, a deeper experience of your innate connection and expression of Divine Presence begins conveying itself in and through you, and with this, the opportunity to call home the power you gave away to other people or circumstances.

Power given away in the dynamics around the wounds and traumas that are being transmuted each time you sink deeper into embodiment – which in turn opens a pathway for you to return that which innately expresses in and through you. Divine Presence, and a power which cannot be conceived of or understood intellectually, but which can be and is expressed more fully each time you ratchet open the its expression with each of the six practices of spiritual mastery.

  • Calling your power home as a practice of restoration
  • A practice which supports the exploration of your true potential
  • A process of coming into balance with each aspect of the life you’ve lived, so every subsequent expression is a powerful expression of your Divine Presence

Week 5: The Third Practice – Piercing Separation

As we explored in Igniting Resonance, separation is both the source of all pain and suffering, and our greatest gift. With the third practice of separation we encounter the invitation that is present in each instance of separation in our inner and outer lives: to pierce the veil and begin living and experience all aspects in wholeness.

Each practice builds on the prior. Without embodiment, there is no power to call home. Without more of our power called home, the veil of separation thins dramatically, and the opportunity to move across the threshold from living and experiencing what appears to be real and to what is actually real. Originally understood as the third of the preparatory practices Ken now recognizes each of the six practices …

  • Break the seemingly endless loop of solving, resolving, and clearing so you can open to a sustaining experience of who you really are in each and every sacred and holy moment of your life
  • Reorient yourself from living life in alignment with what is visible and conventionally real, to what is invisible, unconventional, and actually real
  • The practice of piercing separation prepares you to experience your wholeness while opening an experiential transition point from fundamentally disconnected, to profoundly connected

Weeks 6 – 10: Beneath the Sand

Underneath all the noise and dissonance that arises from the illusion of separation, we are all whole, undistorted expressions of the Divine. In our wholeness is the embodiment of the Divine Fractal, the seed of complete resonance on every level of our being and life. Wholeness beyond our ability to comprehend or understand from the perspective of separation.

Beneath the Sand is the visceral practice of Wholeness and the fourth practice of Spiritual Mastery. Like all the practices, BTS supports you in opening to a facet of what is real within you already. Beneath the Sand opens a predictable, accessible doorway into the direct experience of what it feels like to be whole.

The first three session of Beneath the Sand are focused exclusively on preparing your body vessel to experience wholeness. A deeper level of embodiment and integration are essential — this is the preparatory work for BTS. The fourth session is focused on actually going Beneath the Sand for the first time, and the fifth session is focused on the two forms of the daily practice as independent transmissions.

The work of the first five weeks of Amplifying Resonance are essential groundwork for Beneath the Sand, which in turn builds on, and deepens each of the prior three practices. The circular nature of our spiritual journey with each new awareness opening a deeper experience of what has come before and what is also inevitably queued up for our further attention and exploration once again as we go deeper, mirrored here with these practices of Spiritual Mastery.

  • Experience on every level of your being, viscerally, what it is to be whole. Not as a projection which originates and is projected from your thinking or feeling; but as a feeling-experience of your innate, divine wholeness
  • Open to a spiritual depth within yourself you may have glimpsed or briefly encountered before, which is now available as a sustaining resource in your being and life
  • Cross the boundary between seeking and experiencing, as you open to the practical experiences of your mystical nature which spontaneously erupt within your body, mind, and life
  • Beneath the Sand is also a practice which accelerates surrender, for it draws a sharper contrast in experience, between what is real and spontaneously expressing, and what is still held in control by the separate self

Week 11: Surrender

In the developmental journey between being limited by what appears to be real, and embodying and living what is actually real, the tipping point between these two perspectives is letting go of control.

Surrender is the transition point between being primarily identified with your empowered separate self, and opening up to an integrated experience of your whole self (beyond the visceral experience of wholeness that we can experience with Beneath the Sand).

Letting go of control is the final step in unkinking the hose of Divine Presence to express in each and every aspect of the inner and outer garden of your life. Surrender opens the doorway to an experience of complete liberation and freedom, and the end of suffering.

  • Open to an experience of yourself which is quite literally beyond your ability to conceive of or imagine
  • Profoundly accelerate and integrate all aspects of you which are still held in separation
  • Resolve your soul’s core wound, by opening to an experience of unconditional love for which there are no words

Week 12: Integration

The sixth practice of Spiritual Mastery is the final step in the circle, and the first step back into the practices: Integration. With integration comes an opportunity for each and every aspect of your being on every level (known and unknown) to resonate in complete alignment with the truth of who you are, at the level that you’re embodied. Thus, as you integrate more fully, a deeper level of embodiment opens up – and so it follows with each subsequent practice, even as your consciousness opens to be more of who you really are, and all the awareness that floods in as you integrate more completely.

If you think of the circle of the six practices of Spiritual Mastery as something you’re walking on stilts – you can begin to see what is happening: as you walk around the circle, the stilts begin to wear down as you lower yourself closer and closer to the truth of who you are in each aspect of the 360 degrees of your inner and outer life. Eventually the entirety of all that you are is fully integrated as One, for this is what you are, underneath everything else.

  • Shift from an experience of each foot in a different canoe, trying to balance, hold it together, and not fall into the water, to an experience of absolute resonance on every level: one with the canoes, the water, and everything; no effort involved to sustain and express as you
  • Consolidate what has been learned and embodied, as you open to a deeper experience of the other five practices of Spiritual Mastery
  • Accelerate into the next level of your divine mission and purpose

Week 13: Closing Ceremony

Gather in circle for the final time in this session as you anchor in the most powerful and meaningful experiences and awareness of the Amplifying Resonance journey – so you can deeply integrate the most powerful aspects of the program – then expand and integrate other perspectives as others in the group share their experiences.

Sink into the closing ceremony and be in an amplified space of Resonance and Integration:

  • Celebrate and share your experiences of Resonance as you reflect back on the journey so you can anchor in the most meaningful insights and awareness that have come to you through our 13 weeks
  • Sink into the closing ceremony as we close the sacred space of this beautiful circle for the final time—further into the mystery and all the more extraordinary with You!
  • Transmission: Into a deep integrated practice – the complete expression of all six practices of Siritual Mastery

PLUS!!! 16 Q&A Sessions

In addition to learning about and experiencing the six practices of Spiritual Mastery, you will also have the opportunity to learn from others questions as you interact with Ken energetically through the recordings.

Every week includes a Q&A, with powerful explorations opening with each new question and exploration – 13 in Total.

PLUS: Three additional “Bonus” Marathon Interactive Sessions – including questions, answers, individual facilitation in the context of the group.

Other students have found the Q&A sessions invaluable – with a constant surprise for self-study participants when the transmissions and energetic work during these sessions moves to an even deeper level – and the depth of that experience is fully present – even in the recordings.

Receive the full benefit of the conversation, the explorations, and the transmissions of this amazing Amplifying Resonance Circle that began in December of 2017 – now available with this Amplifying Resonance Self-Study Program.

Integrate Resonance into Every Aspect of Your Inner and Outer Life by Registering for Amplifying Resonance Today

Register Now for Amplifying Resonance:

  • 12 Weekly Classes: So You Can Learn About the Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery . . . For A Deeper Awareness of Resonance
  • 12 Weekly Transmissions: So You Can Encounter the Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery . . . For A Deeper Experience of Resonance
  • 15 Q&A Sessions (one for each weekly session plus 3 Bonus Marathon Sessions) . . . For A Deeper Exploration of Your Understanding of Resonance
  • Bonus Class, Transmission, and Q&A on the Drama Triangle . . . Avoid the Trap of Falling Back into Victim Consciousness
  • Bonus #1: 12 LIVE Weekly Transmissions in The Sanctuary with Ken . . . Deepen Your Practice and Integrate Resonance Into Every Aspect of Your Life
  • Bonus #2: Stream the Contents of 2 DVD’s: A Journey Into Healing and A Divine Transmission . . . So You Can Be Supported and Inspired in Your Journey as a Spiritual Messenger

Total Value of This Program: $1665

Regular Price: $847

80% Off for a Limited Time

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Each participant will experience something different. This is a function of many obvious things — such as your life to this point, your perspective, the way you’re wired emotionally, and so on. It’s also a function of many things that aren’t so obvious — the degree of your embodiment and so on.

You can expect to experience exactly what you need right now to support you in moving forward on your spiritual journey as well as your journey as a spiritual messenger. And it’s also best to let go of expectations completely when going into a program experience with Ken.

Amplifying Resonance — The Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery:

Other participants from Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I and Amplifying Resonance [note: FSMI was self-study program that — prior to Amplifying Resonance — was the only way to learn the 6 Practices of Spiritual Mastery. Amplifying Resonance — the update to FSMI — was taught LIVE – once beginning in May of 2017, and the other beginning in December of 2017] have reported a broad range of impact from these spiritual practices, from physical healing, to deep spiritual awareness, to a profound deepening of their connection with self and the Divine within — and more.

Rose Englund from Maryland put it this way:

I have found the deepest part of me; the most beautiful part – the part I kept looking for out there. Through Ken Stone’s Foundations of Spiritual Mastery, I have “relocated” that which I seek; the alignment and connection with God I knew in my heart I could have each and every day, no matter what was happening around me.

Jessica Sereeno from Rhode Island put it this way:

The changes in my life since I started this program are amazing. The word amazing somehow doesn’t cut it. This morning, a few days after I listened to the recording I had a massive release take place. I am in awe of this process. I understand now why staying in the body is so important to release all the human challenges that we have stored away in us, either physically, emotionally and or spiritually.

Kathryn Griffith from Texas said this:

I LOVE this practice! I’ve always been critical of my body and focusing on what’s wrong with it instead of what’s right. But by the end of this practice I was holding my body (energetically) with the same kind of love and affection that you feel when you’re holding a small baby. It felt so peaceful. And ever since then, my criticizing of my body has stopped. Another lifetime (or longer) problem wiped out by Foundations of Spiritual Mastery! The problems just keep falling away, one after the other.

Jania in Switzerland added this — after experiencing Beneath the Sand LIVE in the first Amplifying Resonance Program:

The last Beneath the Sand was quite something! Even better than the home study version! Thank you.

Narnia in Las Vegas Said:

Just feeling bathed in Sweetness and Self-Love! So grateful to be live for the transmission today.

And another participant said:

Beneath the Sand has brought an abundance of peace and acceptance. It has been a beautiful experience. Peace to you and this beautiful circle.

Angela in Seattle said:

I noticed today that the transmission was so strong that if I hadn’t gotten down on the floor I would have been knocked off my seat literally. Whole body jerk that made me think: what was that?! And then settling in deeper. I’m so grateful to how strong, open, and re-emerging into wholeness everyone in the group is. Just sharing my love for that. Love to all!

Eileen Machida, DC, said:

Before I started Ken Stone’s Foundations of Spiritual Mastery I, I had tried many other forms of Energy healing, both on myself and others. After doing the Beneath The Sand, several things happened and they all happened quite suddenly. I managed to utter, with great resistance, “I need help”. When I did that, I felt the healing vibrations enter my first and second chakras. The next day, I woke up, and it was very easy for me to do things that I kept putting off. Although some of my physical things still exist, I feel deep down the healing energy working its way through my chakras and know that eventually, most, if not all, will clear up. This is by far, the best program of its type, and I have tried most of them, ranging from free to several thousand dollars.

Debora Seidman in New Mexico said:

I LOVE THIS COURSE!! It is profound!! After listening to the first session three times, I feel so much better on all levels. I’ve been in a profoundly hard place – physically and emotionally for a while. The depression has completely lifted and not returned. I’m in a state of peace mentally and I’m sleeping better. I can breathe through my nose for the first time in decades. PLUS, I had a major breakthrough in my book. To discover the source of my power, and experience my innate wholeness with this self study course has been such a blessing!

Angela P said:

This program was priceless and I know Ken could have charged a fortune more and it would have still been a great deal! He is amazing and I am honored to have been a part of this program! Without his generosity I would not have gotten to experience the beautiful process of reuniting with my soul and for that, I will be forever grateful! I just wanted to express my deep gratitude for the love and generosity of heart that Ken expresses and want him to know because of this program my life will never be the same!

Linda in Canada said:

This first session with Ken was the most meaningful and deepest experience I have had through any internet connection. It went beyond the physical and touched my soul!

Michele in Arizona said:

I just finished the program, …and I can’t thank you enough for your time, your magnificence, and your gift. And I am so grateful to my friend for introducing me to you. I have learned so much in these sessions, as well as the videos I have received, and will continue to practice and fine-tune.

Remember that as you come into deeper Resonance, the remaining dissonance appears to become more pronounced. As you transmute the blocks and traumas that hold you back — deeper level trauma and blocks come up for attention. Don’t let that stop you — you’re doing good work. Continue with your work of Embodiment — and be with the ongoing crescendo of Resonance that begins expressing itself in and through you into every aspect of your life.

These Six Practices Practices of Spiritual Mastery are the Foundations of Complete Integration — they are the spiritual or energetic answer to whatever is coming up for attention in your life, mind, or body.

You don’t need to know how to meditate. Ken isn’t into formal guidelines or rules about how the process unfolds for each participant. It will unfold for you exactly as it’s meant to.

Some of the time — that may well feel blissful and relaxing.

Some of the time you may feel agitated, upset, or uncomfortable.

Your willingness to be with whatever is coming up and completely feel it is essential for your ability to leverage these programs for your greatest benefit — so you can begin living and experiencing every aspect of your life in resonance.

Most questions that come up during Q&A sessions with Ken organize themselves into three basic themes:

  1. What’s going on in my body (or my life)?
  2. What do I have to do to overcome X situation?
  3. What are my Divine gifts or purpose?

Likely these questions are mirroring how these these points of inquiry follow us through our lives.

Amplifying Resonance (and the follow-up program Embodying Resonance) are a powerful way to learn, explore, and experience for yourself, within your being and awareness, the answers to these fundamental questions for yourself — for a small fraction of the investment necessary to work with Ken in private session to gain the same insights and experiences. With these programs you have the opportunity to work with Ken and do deep internal exploration within yourself.

Amplifying Resonance is the foundation of Spiritual Mastery – the core spiritual practices of this structure which supports you in the direct, sustainable ongoing experience of the Divine—within you. These practices and the awareness and experiences that follow offer direct answers to the core questions in your life, and even more meaningfully, they support you in having an experience of who you really are. Our desire for answers is an artifact of the illusion of separation (as we explored in Igniting Resonance), whereas the experience of who you really are is the result of encountering and integrating your wholeness. The truth of who and what you are at your essence.

Embodying Resonance is the bridge between Spiritual Mastery and Spiritual Messenger Mastery. This program supports you in awakening the messenger within as you begin to move deeper into the experience of the Divine Mystery within – as well as its role and expression in your relationships, your interactions with others, and eventually your divine calling. Without the foundation of Amplifying Resonance, there are no spiritual practices to fuel and support your deeper exploration of your unique spiritual gifts, your message, and your mission. Within the six practices of Spiritual Mastery, you will have completed the foundational work that is critical for your further exploration of all the ways that God expresses in, through, and as you, including the gifts which are available only through your embodied presence.

With the resources included in these programs you have the tools to begin responding to these essential questions in your life — however they arise in your experience. And you also have a springboard for accelerating forward with your unique gifts and Divine Mission.

Are you ready?

No you don’t have to believe. This work is not a function of a mind-based process. This work is unfolding at the most essential level of your being — in the space of experience before your mind even gets involved.

This concept may be hard to understand — but think of it: There are plenty of experiences in life that simply can’t be fully described no matter how many words or perspective are shared. Holding your newborn Baby. Having sex for the first time. Being with a loved one as they transition out of their body. There are a million other examples — I’m sure you can think of a few.

The deepest experience of who you really are does not arise from your mind, or your beliefs on any level. It makes perfect sense if your experience in life to this point isn’t congruent with this statement — that’s true for nearly everyone who experiences Ken’s work. Once you sink into a space of deeper embodiment you’ll understand more — but you’ll understand it from an experiential perspective.

As Ken says: We cannot know the Divine — but we can EXPERIENCE the Divine within. Experiences at this level have nothing to do with beliefs. You’re about to open and walk through a door (again — at a deeper level) to a broader and deeper experience of yourself.

This work is cumulative, not linear — and frequency has the affect of exponentially multiplying the impact. Begin with Amplifying Resonance — the practices of spiritual mastery powerfully support you in coming into deeper resonance in all aspects of your life. Then dive into Embodying Resonance — and awaken the messenger within — begin exploring your Unique Spiritual Gifts and uncovering Your Divine Purpose as you move even further into the Divine Mystery.

Here’s to greater Resonance in your being — and your life! Here’s to Being who you really are — for yourself in your relationship with the Divine — in relationship with your calling — and in the world as a Spiritual Messenger.

This Program Offers a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

There are a couple of important conditions to our money back guarantee:

First: You may utilize the 30-Day money-back guarantee on any of Ken’s programs, provided you haven’t exercised this option on any other program offered or taught by Ken in the prior 2 years (on a rolling basis). This includes any programs of Ken’s which you purchased through a tele-summit or other outlet, wherever the refund may have been issued.

Second: If you have a one-on-one session with Ken during the 30-day window for this program, the guarantee expires at the time the session is conducted.

All that’s required is an email to support (at) kenwstone (dot) com within 30 days of registering for this program, and your registration will be refunded. If you’re on a payment plan, only what has been paid will be refunded.

If you’re feeling called into deeper work with Ken — this program offers a unique opportunity to engage in some deep and profound inner work.

Payment plans are offered to create accessibility with each program, for as many as would like to engage in this work. Please ensure that you can complete your payment obligations prior to choosing a payment plan.

This is about committing to your soul — to yourself. Make a big commitment to yourself.

Here’s What You’ll Receive in This Program:

Thirteen Training and Transmission Sessions with Ken

Each of the 13 sessions are designed to powerfully teach the practice or focus of that session.

Each session also contains a unique transmission designed to convey the current practice or focus.

You can enjoy every session on your laptop, mobile, tablet, and in all browsers. Every session is downloadable – with the Transmission and Teaching Portion as separate MP3s.

Thirteen Q&A Sessions with Ken

The Q&A sessions were facilitated live by Ken – so their length varies from week to week with this Self-Study Program.

You can enjoy every Q&A session on your laptop, mobile, tablet, and in all browsers. Every session is downloadable.

Three Marathon Q&A Sessions with Ken

In addition to the weekly Q&As, Ken facilitated 3 “open-line marathon” question and answer sessions enabling students to call in and process the course teachings and request individual facilitation in the context of the group.

Receive the full benefit of these marathon sessions through the MP3 downloads of these powerful resources.

Repeat Student Status with Future Amplifying Resonance Programs

Every time Ken offers this program LIVE, all prior students have an opportunity to enroll at 80% off whatever the price is for new students at the time it’s offered.

By enrolling in this self-study program, you become eligible for Repeat Student discount the next time Amplifying Resonance is offered LIVE.

Integrate Resonance into Every Aspect of Your Inner and Outer Life by Registering for Amplifying Resonance Today

Register Now for Amplifying Resonance:

  • 12 Weekly Classes: So You Can Learn About the Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery . . . For A Deeper Awareness of Resonance
  • 12 Weekly Transmissions: So You Can Encounter the Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery . . . For A Deeper Experience of Resonance
  • 15 Q&A Sessions (one for each weekly session plus 3 Bonus Marathon Sessions) . . . For A Deeper Exploration of Your Understanding of Resonance
  • Bonus Class, Transmission, and Q&A on the Drama Triangle . . . Avoid the Trap of Falling Back into Victim Consciousness
  • Bonus #1: 12 LIVE Weekly Transmissions in The Sanctuary with Ken . . . Deepen Your Practice and Integrate Resonance Into Every Aspect of Your Life
  • Bonus #2: Stream the Contents of 2 DVD’s: A Journey Into Healing and A Divine Transmission . . . So You Can Be Supported and Inspired in Your Journey as a Spiritual Messenger

Total Value of This Program: $1665

Regular Price: $847

80% Off for a Limited Time

Payment Plan

3 Payments Of:


Best Value

1 Payment Of:


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