Amplifying Resonance Self-Study December 2017 Very Special Offer
Take the Next Step Into Deeper Resonance
Experience the Six Practices of Spiritual Mastery

You’ve completed Igniting Resonance and, in the process, explored and experienced the 8 core tenants of the structure of Spiritual Mastery. Now you have an opportunity to take your experience of Resonance to a different level and support its integration throughout all aspects of your inner and outer being.
The key in your journey into deeper Resonance in every aspect of your inner and outer life are the six practices of Spiritual Mastery, which pick up where Igniting Resonance concludes (with Living in the Mirror).
Take a deeper dive into Embodiment with the first practice of Spiritual Mastery and amplify the transmutation process as you begin stepping out of the trauma cycle, and into the cycle of resonance.
Call Your Power Home with the second practice of Spiritual Mastery and reclaim all that you gave away because of circumstance or relationship in Victim Consciousness as you reclaim your true power through the integration of Manifestor Consciousness.
Pierce Separation with the third practice of Spiritual Mastery and lift the veil on the greatest challenge and opportunity for wholesale transformation in your life and spiritual journey to this point.

Experience the Visceral Practice of Wholeness through the fourth practice of Spiritual Mastery and open to an experience of yourself on every level of your inner being that quite possibly has never entered into your awareness, much less blossomed inside the physical vessel and expression of your body and mind.
Explore the Journey to Complete Freedom and Liberation through the fifth practice of Spiritual Mastery and tear down what remains of the illusion while releasing control that you may full experience and express your complete divine potential in each and every sacred and holy moment of your life.
Support All Experiences and Expressions of the truth of who you really are through the sixth practice of Spiritual Mastery and integrate the Divine Resonance that is the container that holds the field, and every expression of consciousness within it, and within you and your life.
You Are Here, Reading These Words, Because You Are
Ready to Take the Next Step And Amplify Resonance Into Every Aspect of Your Being and Life
The challenge foremost in most seekers’ lives is: “How can I have a direct, sustaining mystical experience in my life?”
This question is amplified by the myriad spiritual programs, workshops, and books which address the question from three distinct perspectives:

- The extensive body of personal mastery literature has thoroughly explored the practical application of intention and other control-based metaphysics. Yet the glass ceiling of these approaches has left seekers hungry for a sustaining spiritual solution to one of the foundational questions and challenges associated with the human condition: how are we to move beyond our apparent limitations to realize our full potential?
- The canon of books focused on mindfulness and other integrated spiritual practices delivers an essential passageway for transcending the boundaries of the separate self, as well as the self-interested limits of personal mastery. Yet as powerful and essential as these resources are in our spiritual development, they stop short of the mystical experiences that are the true desire of every seeker.
- Mystics offer written transmission of their personal experiences, and share awareness through poetry, allegory, or parable; but it is rare to find a road map and structure which takes the reader by the hand and guides them to a direct encounter with God.
The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
Joseph Campbell
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
Albert Einstein
We Live in the Thinly Veiled Illusion of Free Will.
Thomas Keating
Amplify the Experience of Divine Presence and Accelerate Meaning, Fulfillment, and Purpose in All Aspects of Your Life
Everything you’ve done in your spiritual journey has brought you to this point. Your deep work that brought you to an exploration of resonance was essential. Your engagement with Igniting Resonance, foundational for shifting from a dissonance resolution focused life in separation, to a resonance deepening focus moving into wholeness.
You know that spiritual practices are an essential focus and you also know that the practices must bring you to a deeper experience of who you really are rather than moving you further into separation.
Amplifying Resonance picks up where Igniting Resonance left off in its exploration of the structure of Spiritual Mastery.
You’ll learn and experience the six practices of Spiritual Mastery. Eventually the uncommon or unavailable mystical experiences you most seek, will become accessible and consistent, because you have opened the doorway to experiencing yourself as you really are in each and every sacred moment of your life.
Explore deep within your being, your innate wholeness and the fully embodied Divine – as you move deeper in the experiences of Divine Resonance that are you true nature on every level of your being and life. With the six foundational practices of Spiritual Mastery you have an experiential roadmap for moving further into the Divine Mystery – that all structure eventually melt away, and all that remains is your pure brilliant, undistorted Divine light, fully integrated, embodied and expressed. Amplify Resonance – and Live Your Life as/in the Truth of Your Divine Expression!

Are You Ready to Experience All of You in Resonance?
Ken W. Stone – Creator of the Amplifying Resonance Program

Ken, known as “The Soul Archaeologist” is a spiritual teacher, healer and founder of The Resonance Institute, as well as the Creator and Facilitator of The Resonance Experiment. He is author of the forthcoming book Resonance: The Path of Spiritual Mastery
God expresses through Ken in a unique way: when people sit with him in transmission, they have a profoundly different experience of the Divine in their body. For example, he has worked with a number of advanced former students of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who each said, following their initial session with him, “that was the deepest spiritual experience of my life.”
Amplifying Resonance is the foundation of Spiritual Mastery and core of Ken’s teachings. It is, perhaps the most comprehensive available set of practices for supporting the deeper experience and integration of Resonance into every aspect of one’s life.
Ken continues to explore and teach the practices of Spiritual Mastery and the framework of Amplifying Resonance to ensure a sound and effective experience that is uniquely tailored to the needs of each student. While these practices have been proven effective over and over again, as Ken says, “the Divine Mystery is always more fully revealing itself in, through, and as each of us.”
Reflections About Ken’s Work