The Embodied Messenger Experience

The Embodied Messenger Experience

Embody Your Gifts, Message and Mission; Break Free and Powerfully Serve from a Place of Deep Resonance!

What Is Standing in the Way?

Perhaps you’re you’re feeling called deeper into your gifts – or to discover them and begin exploring them – but you’re unsure of how to go about doing this in a way that will make sense to others in your life … or in the world.

Are You Ready …

  • to find a way to step more fully into your mission without fear, to know AND experience your true nature in every aspect of your life?
  • to be with other Spiritual Messengers and share in deep and profound experiences together, that move you into a new way of interacting with yourself and the world so you can finally move forward on the mission your soul has been calling you towards without any resistance?
  • to serve the world through your gifts and your mission, without having to worry if your authentic expression fits a mold or a formula for how to be – how to serve – or how to live?
  • to receive the tools and support so you can take these experiences into your everyday life and mission and live a more fulfilling, resonant life?

It’s been just amazing. Ken was a fantastic facilitator – he opened up the space and held it for everyone to drop in deep and really get a deeper understanding of where they love operating really and where they love playing.

Louise Moriarty Tugun, Australia June 27, 2018

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How Would Your Life Change?

Can you imagine what you could do if you were surrounded by other messengers and change makers …

  • who are on the path of more fully embodying their true nature as well as their gifts, message, and mission
  • who are willing to stand fully in their truth and speak it
  • who act and live from a place of deep resonance

I’ve done retreats, I’ve led retreats, I’ve been to other events, but Ken’s was the purest form that I’ve ever been invited into – it was a safe space for everyone to be with themselves and to be with one another. I would invite you to work with Ken to come to any of his events and know that you’ll be safe.

Barbara Brown Lake Dallas, Texas June 27, 2018

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There’s a New Place to Gather, Align Resonate With and Embody the Divine AND Your Gifts, Mission, and Message!

A place where you will be powerfully supported in your work as an Embodied Spiritual Messenger – so if you choose, you can go out in the world and share your message and gifts with the world and serve those you’re meant to support …

  • So the gifts the Divine is expressing uniquely through you are available to be experienced … and those for whom your gift is their one thing can receive your gifts and accelerate forward on their mission.

Where you can resonate at the deepest level in order to be fully embodied not just as the living expression of the Divine, but as the embodiment of those gifts that express uniquely through you and as you in the world …

  • So you can not only serve and support others, but do so from a place of deeply Embodied Spiritual Leadership – so your people can easily find and connect with you .. so you and your family and loved ones can live an aligned, abundant life and have the experiences and make memories together in the ways that are most meaningful to you…

Where words, though exciting for sharing enthusiasm and perspective, are not necessary. For everyone who gathers will be going deeper than they’ve ever gone before. Deeply experiencing the place within where there are no words, no language, no separation.

Where you can more fully discover and embody who you really are … where you can experience – really FEEL your true nature.

  • So you can be the embodiment of that deep truth and resonance, that others may resonate with you, and in turn open to the memory and experience of who they truly are. That the world may be transformed. That we may all know the inner peace and love that is our true nature, wherever we are, wherever we serve.

Where you can be in deep resonance with other messengers from around the world.

  • So the sense of community and connection you’ve long sought with others who are on the same journey you’re on can be realized. So you can pick up the phone and call (or Skype) others in our community to connect, and be reminded of the worldwide community of which you are an important part. So you can not only know you’re not alone – you can experience the depth and resonance of the community of Spiritual Messengers who are as focused and committed to their mission as you are to yours.

A place where the inner breakthroughs happen as easily as breathing in and out, and lifelong friendships with fellow messengers are established and deepened.

Where alignment and resonance come first.

  • So you can take that alignment and resonance out into the world with your message, gifts, and mission, and honor your part in the transformation of consciousness on the planet right now.

It’s Time to Embody Your Resonance and Break Free

Now is the time to go inside, resonate deeply with your true nature, BE who you are authentically, vulnerably and completely, and break free from everything that has been holding you back from more fully engaging in your Divine Mission.

Now is the time to go INSIDE first – to experience the deep shift you’ve known you’ve been ready for, for some time – and then take that resonance OUT into the world.

Now is the time to open up to be the vessel – the conduit through which your Divine message, gifts, and purpose can more fully express in your life and in the world.

Join Us – We’ve All Been Waiting to Come Together in this Way

Be powerfully supported as you sink into your body, open up to feel who you really are, and then let go of control.

Begin to break free from everything that has been holding you back.

Deepen your visceral experience of your inner wholeness. Your wholeness isn’t just the lack of noise or dissonance in your body, your mind, or your life. It is the complete feeling of resonance in every aspect of your being.

Deeply connect to yourself and to the Divine Within. And when you do everything will transform. For transformation begins with a change in perspective. And what change is more profound than a new experience of who you really are?

When you go through this experience with other messengers who are in the same process of more deeply aligning and resonating with their true nature, message, gifts, and purpose, something extraordinary will reveal itself.

We will step into the unknown together. We will step forward on our own profound, private journey in a powerful way – and will we be doing it collectively, as a group, as the next wave of spiritual leaders and change agents.

The collective consciousness of the people that Ken attracts is extremely high. The things that were discussed the things that were shared were very powerful and impactful probably three things that I can take away from this event and apply to my personal life to make a meaningful difference in how I feel about the world, about my work, about my family in order to be much more effective and connected in the areas of my life that are important for me to make a difference. I highly recommend coming to any of Ken’s events.

Ray Adler San Diego, California June 27, 2018

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Are You Ready to Integrate Your True Nature into All Aspects of Your Life?

Are You Ready to More Deeply Discover, Explore, and Embody Your Gifts, Message, and Mission?

Are You Ready to Be an Embodied Spiritual Messenger?

Because the World is Ready and Waiting for You!

We are gathering soon for three plus days of deep exploration … and the transmutation, shifts, discovering, and embodiment during this experience will be profound.

Each time I get to sit with an individual or group, extraordinary experiences and transformation unfold – for the Divine is waiting to erupt more fully in each of us!

Can you imagine what it will be like to be together in person with a large group of Spiritual Messengers who are on the brink of breaking through to deeper resonance with their gift, message, and purpose … who are ready to more fully embody their Divine Resonance?

For some, this is first time we’ll be gathering in this way in this lifetime. Together in person for three days! Can you imagine what will shift inside you if you’re with us? Can you imagine what will shift in the world?

I Can’t Wait for You to Join Us!

Reserve Your Place Now

  • Break free from the things that have been holding you back and more fully embody your Divine resonance throughout our three days together.
  • Deeply connect in person with other spiritual messengers from around the world who are on the same path of sharing their gifts and message with the world.
  • More fully discover and embody your unique spiritual gifts, message, and mission – so you mere presence is imbued with the Divine Gifts that are waiting to more fully express through and as you.

  • Springboard from this experience as an Embodied Messenger so you can finally move forward with the next step of your mission!
  • Your Ticket INCLUDES: Welcome reception on Sunday evening at the resort.
  • AND: Three full days of deep spiritual exploration (teaching, sharing, Q&A, and Divine Transmissions) with other Spiritual Messengers from around the world.
  • ALSO INCLUDES: $100 food voucher for meals at the resort restaurant.

PLUS 3 Powerful Resources to Support You Before AND After the Event:

  1. A private Facebook page so you can connect with familiar souls and renew friendships before we gather together and share three profound days together in person.
  2. One pre-event private group session so we can begin to resonate more deeply as a group prior to being together — limited only to attendees. This will be a virtual experience via webcast so you can participate from your location before traveling to Colorado.
  3. One post-event private group session so you can receive powerful integration support once you’re back home following the retreat experience — limited only to attendees. This will be a virtual experience as well.

The Embodied Messenger Experience


Or, Include a Highly Discounted 60-Minute One-On-One Session With Ken Via Phone or Skype ($1,500 Retail) to Your ticket for a Total of $1,997 (INCLUDES TICKET and SESSION)


As Soon As You Enroll You’ll Receive an Email with Flight Suggestions, Instructions for Booking Your Room, Contact Information for the Shuttle From the Airport – and more.

Reflections About Earlier Retreats

Everything about my life has changed. EVERYTHING!! How I will conduct business, how I’ll lead a workshop, how I can be in public. All the pieces of the puzzles that I’ve been working on for years came together during my session with Ken.

Jan Stringer Spiritual Messenger, Speaker and Author | June 11, 2018

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Ken Stone truly is the Soul Archaeologist. Of all the teachers and various courses that I’ve taken and people that I’ve met in my 60 years He is the first person that I’ve met who has this unique approach and ability to enable a person to tune in and discover their soul and reconnect with their soul.

Lynda Paquette Seward, Alaska June 27, 2018

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In Ken’s beautiful style he allowed us to really unfold in a way we could not have imagined.

Gina Abrams Short Hills, New Jersey June 27, 2018

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Reflections About Ken’s Private Sessions

My work with Ken Stone has involved some of the most powerful healing work I’ve ever experienced. In addition to feeling more present in my body and my life, I am experiencing more ease, clarity, and grace. The pieces of the puzzle are joyously manifesting faster than ever before and I have a new curiosity for what will happen next! Life has become an exciting adventure as I experience deeper trust in myself and God.

Plus, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I earned my fastest and most joyous six figures in the first few weeks I worked with Ken. Things shifted on so many levels.

Christine Kloser Spiritual Messenger, Coach, and Author | June 27, 2018

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It’s rare that I experience such deep and ecstatic connection to the divine and the present moment so quickly as I did when I received my first session from Ken. Since then, I have felt much more aligned with the unlimited potential of my life, and things have been flowing to me with ease. Thanks so much Ken.

Rachael Jayne Groover Founder: The Yin Project; Author: Powerful AND Feminine | June 27, 2018

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About Ken

Ken W Stone; spiritual teacher, author, and spiritual healer

Ken W Stone, “The Soul Archaeologist” is a spiritual teacher, healer, and founder and facilitator of The Resonance Experiment. He is the author of the forthcoming book Resonance: The Path of Spiritual Mastery.

God expresses through Ken in a unique way: when people sit with him in transmission, they have a profoundly different experience of the Divine in their body. For example, he has worked with a number of advanced former students of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who each said, following their initial session with him, “that was the deepest spiritual experience of my life.”

Ken has interviewed some of the foremost spiritual leaders of our time as part of The Resonance Experiment, including Father Thomas Keating, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Dr. Joe Vitale, Lynne McTaggart, and Academy Award winning producer and author, Barnet Bain, with each conversation sparking new insights on the meaning and role of resonance in our lives.

Goi Peace Award winner, author, and biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton in his Resonance Experiment interview, said about Ken:

“I so believe in your message and of you helping us evolve because obviously the world is in a very strange situation, and we’re in evolution, and the evolution is completely grounded in your understanding of resonance and vibrations. And that’s where the seed of this revolution is coming from.”

Ken shares his gifts with a spiritually diverse, growing international audience through a variety of virtual and in person programs, retreats and one-on-one and small group advanced spiritual mentoring.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life?

The Embodied Messenger Experience


Or, Include a Highly Discounted 60-Minute One-On-One Session With Ken Via Phone or Skype ($1,500 Retail) to Your ticket for a Total of $1,997 (INCLUDES TICKET and SESSION)
